Les incontournables de Paris
the attractions of Paris
printed on every box of Pierre Herme merchandises
from the Vendome Place, beautiful Montmart, the romantic bridge, Mona Lisa in the Louvre, Eiffel tower of coz, the curious Beauborg museum and Champs Elysees :))))
apart from being attractions, all these places also drew long queues of tourists from around the world.
But when it comes to Macarons, the shop that's basking with customers is Laduree
Laduree sells experience but Pierre Herme shares his art of macarons
known as the Picasso of Pastry, u can find other handmade chocolates, cakes and yummy goodness at all his dark brown understated boutiques. There was one just located down the street by our hotel, so u can imagine the trips and visits just for our culinary cravings?
Pierre Herme is famous for all his unique concoctions and flavours
the most famous flavours is Ispahan which is alwiz my no. 1 favourite.
Ispahan is a concoction of Rose, Lychee and raspberry, yes I know...very very exotic.
so every year he will make some limited and special collection of the season
yes macarons do have seasons
the above pic was his season White Truffle with roasted hazelnuts from Alba *which had to be packed separately due to its strong nose*
Alba is also the place famous for White Truffle and memories of our visit 3 years ago lingered in my mind till today :))))
all ur products of Ferrero Roche, Tic Tac and Nutella came from Alba ok :)))
the macaron sitting on top of White Truffle with roasted hazelnuts from Alba is another special edition of Pierre Herme - PX
PX = Pedro Ximenez
it's a type of grape grown in southern Spain to make sweet sherry
sorry I used the wrong knife to cut it and compressed the delicate macaron shells too much
thing I like about his macarons, there's alwiz something inside to surprise u
there's hazelnuts inside the White Truffle ones
while XP has got a steeped sultanas
all these gave the macarons an elevated lift in terms of bite, taste and look
yup I've tried so many other macarons and came to the collection that Pierre Herme suits my palate the most :))))))
Palate is very very subjective, some ppl prefer Laduree some thinks Jean Paul Hevin is better but Pierre Herme moves me :))))
After tasting a few flavours throughout our weeks in Paris, we decided that these 2 worth the efforts to handcarry them....in my Bottega Veneta hand bag, flown business class all the way home to Malaysia. :))))))
drools... lucky receivers... unless its all for You?? ;P
how did u know??!?!!! :P
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