Such a discreet entrance....u wouldn't know that it's a restaurant tucked behind these star-trek sliding door. Monkey did her "Vulcan salute" but it did not open, and to minimise my embarrassment a huge dark bouncer in smart jacket with the I-am-gonna-punch-ur-face look quickly came to my aid. Hey no prejudice, but I don't know why all bouncers must have that look and they have to be black? Oh well speaking of that, in the chinese culture, the "Door God" plastered on almost every temple's main entrance has got black face too....isnt' it?
Walking into Bibo is like entering an Art fact that was the main draw for us. Monkey was whining and bising-ed that we must must must come and dine here. Chef must be so dismayed to learn that it wasn't food that drew us here. Oh trust me, after our dining experience here, it would be the other way around :)))
Walking into Bibo is like entering an Art fact that was the main draw for us. Monkey was whining and bising-ed that we must must must come and dine here. Chef must be so dismayed to learn that it wasn't food that drew us here. Oh trust me, after our dining experience here, it would be the other way around :)))

She's looking rather happy here...and it was the wine list that she's goin through!!! Bibo has the largest champagne list in the entire of Hong Kong. I was surprised to find artisanal and cult champagne makers in the list. That should explain knowing the list of art pieces being curated here. It's the same as how they curated the wine list.

Look!! who's behind me??? the entire piece was created onto the wall raw and yet so beautiful. The owner of Bibo remains incognito....I couldn't find info as to who is the owner but he/she has got passion for street art. Prollie he/her is a street artist? Some says for the number of pieces being displayed here, could only mean it's being backup by someone in the world of corporate finance. Whoever he or she is...thank you for creating this space, of fine things in be enjoyed and shared.
The beautiful platter and obviously JS has interpreted it from his eyes...of today's digital world. How many hours do we spend on our lil gadget? It's really everyone's life-line these days isn't it? Everything is inside including ur social world and work and emergency contacts. Can u remember the mobile numbers of those closest to you in case of emergency?
The beautiful platter and obviously JS has interpreted it from his eyes...of today's digital world. How many hours do we spend on our lil gadget? It's really everyone's life-line these days isn't it? Everything is inside including ur social world and work and emergency contacts. Can u remember the mobile numbers of those closest to you in case of emergency?
and Monkey's interpretation ......the Hands that Give and Receive....that feed...and to love.
We sat next to a strings of red beads made from hand blown glass....before we could eat, we were already feasting...with all the art pieces here.
Crispy caramelised potatoes, but don't forget the sliced creamie rich scallops underneath!!! Such good pairing of texture and balance of acidity.
We were there in the month of May, the time where Hong Kong celebrates Le French May, an annual event of Culinary delights, Arts, Films, French markets and workshops etc. A province in France is usually selected to be the theme, and this year Midi-Pyrenees is the lucky one. In conjunction with this festival spanning almost 2 months with 120 programmes, events and activities....participating French outlets will have a special menu dedicated to the produce of the selected province.
Since we alwiz needed greens, a small portion of fresh sweet ripened figs and tomatoes salad with crispy endives. Such a beautiful presentation :))
JS almost went vegan that evening when he oso ordered morel mushrooms....hahahaha..anyway it's not easy to find fresh it's rather poisonous and requires proper cooking processes.
As he was feasting on his greens and earthy produce, Monkey was having a yummy chunk of hearty foie gras....with orange liquor. Oh yummssss.
We had a bottle of champagne by Chartogne-Taillet, an under rated and outstanding champagne...sorry u can't get this in Malaysia...even in Singapore it's by allocation. Sometimes u'll be surprised at the quality of champagnes you could get especially from vigneron like Chartogne Taillet from the sleepy village of Merfy. Only bubblies produced within the region of Champagne according to the specification of the governing bodies can be qualified to stamp the word "Champagne" onto their label. French and their processes and freaky control of originality and quality >.<
*click here to read about our visit to Chartogne Taillet*
yeah it's not cake but bread...not just any bread but leftover bread by Mr. JS to Monkey...he ate the crust and left the soft center for I roll my eyes or just whack him with the empty bread basket? I wanted to do both coz I DO LOVE CRUST TOO OK???? u read me???
Look at that!!! how could u say NO??? It's malty it's crusty and rustic...
the only time I am mad with him is when he steals my food...example: my junk food stash from Japan. When it's so limited and it has to be shared, arghhhh~~~~ then he quietly went to some Japanese retail store to re-stock with the same brand but it's not the SAME~~~~~ the one that we had was not-for-export stocks and it's of a different flavours!!!
The main course of pork belly~~~~~ was so so so good.
Only complain here is the portioning was smaller than usual...I guess the key is for diners to try many varieties of dishes here...especially the signature eggs. I wanna come back here again to try the rest.
JS doesn't like to be photographed. But I was more interested on the art pieces here.Only complain here is the portioning was smaller than usual...I guess the key is for diners to try many varieties of dishes here...especially the signature eggs. I wanna come back here again to try the rest.
Monkey: "Where's your Jeff Koons? I wanna see it."
Maitre D: "I am so sorry maam, it was broken. A diner touched its ears and it fell off."
Monkey O.O!!!!!!!!
Jaw on the floor.
Maitre D: "indeed it was really sad."
WAT the....oh no~~~~~~ so heartbroken. Not that I can't see it but for the owner~~~~
The only time I held a piece from Jeff Koons from 3 months ago *here*
Damien Hirst's Fun
This was at the gents washroom.

yumness of Comte and Roquefort
Aged Comte - at least minimum of 36 months would still be my favourite cheese for now, for its matured flavour, crystalised texture in the centre. That is why it's truly important how they cut the cheese.....all the crystals are in the centre.....just as we lurve to load junks back from Japan, we usually load cheeses back from France :)))
I'm not a fan of sweets or desserts but....

when u find melting surprises that can make u's a different story. Chef brings u through the different texture and velvety-ness in his dessert.

Chef Mutaro Balde leading his team creating all the delicate fine dishes was previously from Alain Ducasse in Plaza Athenee in Paris and also Joel Robuchon in London. With all these past experiences, he found balance from the technicality and finesse of Ducasse, also the contemporality and innovation of Robuchon.

Even the ice creams was so creamie...
JS: "Hands off my ice cream."
Monkey: "Hey isn't this mine?"
JS: "No!! it came along with MY dessert!!!"
Monkey: "NOOOOO, it didn't have ur name on it!!!"
JS: "NO!!!!"
Monkey: "NO!!!!"
JS: "Hands off my ice cream."
Monkey: "Hey isn't this mine?"
JS: "No!! it came along with MY dessert!!!"
Monkey: "NOOOOO, it didn't have ur name on it!!!"
JS: "NO!!!!"
Monkey: "NO!!!!"
Monkey: "shhhh JS u r too loud!! we are scaring the other diners..."
JS -_-"
JS -_-"

Chef Mutaro Balde leading his team creating all the delicate fine dishes was previously from Alain Ducasse in Plaza Athenee in Paris and also Joel Robuchon in London. With all these past experiences, he found balance from the technicality and finesse of Ducasse, also the contemporality and innovation of Robuchon.
As we head out, alighting the stairs, with artworks from street artists, we told ourselves that this is a place to revisit for its creative culinary creation from Chef and the art pieces being constantly curated by the unknown owner :)))
yes I love Bibo, bibo stands for Bilingual Bohemian it seems.
If you would like to view more art pieces from the restaurant, go to:
For more information:
Ground Floor, 16 Hollywood Road,
Sheung Wang, Hong Kong.
Tel: +852 2956 3188
Tuesdays to Fridays from 5pm till 1am
Saturdays and Sundays 11.30am to 3.30pm and 5pm till 1am
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