the beautiful industrial and compact kitchen is located on the ground floor together with the waiting area. As u ascend the stairwell up to the dining hall, this would be it. Yes....that's all. I wondered how chefs could produce beautiful yummy food in such a small compact kitchen.
Yes really...that's it...nothing else. This is all they have in their kitchen. Impressive :))))

Fujiya 1935 earned their 3 Michelin stars in 2012. Having operated for almost 80 years made us even more impressed for its interpretation of Yoshoku cuisine. Yoshoku is a marrige of western and Japanese ingredients and technique.Yes really...that's it...nothing else. This is all they have in their kitchen. Impressive :))))

Having passed down from generation to generation, the current owner chef is Tetsuya Fujiwara. Chef has worked in Europe and finally ended up in Spain and got mesmerised with the modern Spanish cuisine, where he learnt from a famous chef who's also a neurosurgeon.
When he came back to Osaka and took over from his family members, together with his wife they rebranded the restaurant into Fujiya 1935.
JS's eyes almost popped out when he saw the long menu. Hahahaha not to worry, all were small tasting portion. There isn't any ala carte menu here, basically u eat wat the chef creates :)))

The base plate for our canapes was this beautiful natural single piece of wood.

Our canapes....these were realy soil...and nope they are not edible. Tee Hee Hee

To be eaten with wasabi dips. All the tableware were so Earthy and Woodie :))))

Everything is edible from the whole fresh juicy sweet radish to its crunchy fresh leaves. Yummssss.

Next was this edible fried wild plants Koshiabura

It's so delicate including the stalk. Again everything was edible, it has a subtle nice herbal taste. So u see, we have done 2 courses off the menu and everything was kept to a tasting portion. By this juncture JS didn't look so alarming anymore. Hahahahaha

Cheese Ball
This was so cute and yums, the shredded cheese were moulded into a hollow ball and fried. Crunchy, savoury and fun to be eaten. :)))

Next was Bread of corn with a lot of bubbles
It's like Sponge Bob but with ball pants!!! hahahahaha

The texture was like sponge!!! so soft, warm and there's occasional bites of Japanese sweet corns.

OMG this one was so simple and yet so good~~~~~
White Asparagus, fried with a hint of squid ink, dressed with a few speckles of beautiful sea salt. I don't know wat kind of oil he used but it was so infused with a nutty flavour.

Tile fish with sea urchin, served on a bed of smashed broad beans and baby herbs. Very clean but super packed in taste. :)))

Aaaa this one looked like dessert but trust me, dessert is still very far away at this juncture.

This was a beautiful slightly cooked CLAM cut into 2 pieces. The bubbles was packed with its own jus. So refreshing and yummy.

Bread was another highlight at this restaurant. Presented inside a zen box with a slab of hot lava stone at the bottom to keep the bread warm at all time. Such brilliant idea.

2 types of butter were offered, one is a creamie butter made in Japan while the other one was heavily infused with roasted goma innit.

Check oout the beautiful crust and soft inside....so yummms...we had to have our bread box refilled coz it was too good.

Remember the wasabi dip for our radish? It wasn't wasted...all gone to the bread.
Monkey: "Oiii JS stop stuffing ur face with bread, we have a lot of food on the way!!!"
JS >.< "But it's so so so so delicious~~~~~"
Face all puffed up with chunks of bread in his mouth

Capellini in blank squid ink...topped with really yummy in season firefly squids and fresh green asparagus on the top. Wow this one was really stunning bcoz once u sink ur mouth into those firefly squid....it burst into flavours and u can taste all the squid eggs!!! How could such a small tiny squid store so much of eggs/roe inside??? it's like a treasure troves hahahaha.

Ta-Da!!! this was my ultimate favourite dish!!! Ultimate ultimate~~~
Fat Greenling fish fried to such beautiful fragrance, served on the side were new onions which was picked on the very same day, and those yellow fruits were Gooseberry...sweet and acidic elevated this dish to another level. Again micro herbs were placed everywhere on the dish. It may looked like the chef simply scattered the herbs but trust me, it requires some form of aesthetic presentation and thoughts.

7 week aged Tajima Beef
Kobe is from the very same cattle - the Tajima breed
served with a special ruta sauce.

Chef's strength is still in fish and seafood hence the other dishes overshadowed the beef.

Yeah JS was still bz stuffing his face with bread and butter
next time I'll get them to serve you bread and wine just like a last supper.

The change of tableware again marks the beginning of desserts :)))) There would be 4 desserts. WuahahahahahhahahaHAHAHAHAHhahahahahaha
I luffed so loud JS asked me to shuddup :P
Oh well who wouldn't when u would be served 4 desserts :))))))))))))

Citrus Hasaku with its peel cream
So refreshing after the meal.

Spring Flower and herbs with mascarpone and chamomile sorbet
This is too beautiful to be eaten!!!!!

After admiring its beauty, I know it's time to consume it for it won't be able to stand this long for the sorbet will melt.

The texture and the structure blew me off. So good on the palate and pleasing on the eyes.

Strawberry wrapped in cacao caramel. This one gotta eat it fast bcoz the caramel tends to melt on your fingers. I was so happy that the desserts came in bite size as well. :)))))

Honey Cake was so buttery and good!!! better than madeleines :)))))
JS was fighting with Monkey over this bcoz he wanted to have my share too, commenting that I am getting fat and shouldn't have so much of food.
Fat Chance!!!! don't even dream about it~~~~~

Monkey and Chef Tetsuya Fujiwara
We had a good discussion and chat over his creation, style and food. He was so eppy that we had a great time hence he was smilling with no eyes at all. Kakakakakaka
Outstanding and he deserved every Stars that he has earned!!!
*Clap clap clap Clap clap*

As we descend, we watched the Pastry Chefs preparing more desserts. I don't know how one could keep a commercial kitchen this spanking clean!!!!!!!! ALL THE TIME!!!!!
Fujiya 1935 is highly recommended and do booked early as there's only 16 seatings. Thank you to our wine merchant friend who recommended this place, and our lovely butler who made our reservation :))
Fujiya 1935
2-4-14, Yariyamachi,
Osaka, Japan.
Tel: +81 6 6941 2483
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