which weigh about the same like my Macbook 17"

trend for this autumn/winter is down jacket for its coziness and lightweightness
I got mine at Uniqlo in Singapore

with its below par retail outlets and variety
and really really lousy food
I have yet to try the newly opened satay shop
in fact the xmas deco was quite sad too

so it's kinda good timing to sleeeeeeppppppp
and so Monkey had satays for supper
*sorry for the poor lightings coz it's tailored for ppl to snooze at that time*
it's supposed to be a 12 hours flight but didn't feel like it..
prollie I was too busy chomping on the satays and busy dreaming of meself shopping
my very last local delicacy.....
it looks good huh?
it surprised me!!!
the grains were enriched with really really lots of coconut milk
and sambal was just spicy enuff
just wished there was a fried egg on top
I never turn down the satays and nasi lemak they serve on biz class..like u said, it did surprise me that it tasted pretty good :)
Kindy Chai: yea yea yea memang sedap for inflight catering...*salivates*
How was the jet lag??
Bry: Hey B!...how r u? :) jet lag was only for a day...when r u gonna update your blog -_-
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