without indulging in some merchandise that's on their glossy pages.
It's not helping either when Baby Wei will tag pages with the striking
"OH READ ME pls" tags on pages that may interest me
erm....arent' those taggings only for work-related articles and coverages that require my immediate attention?
hmmm looks like that was not the case.

erm that was 3.5 months ago...
It's such an icon that everyone knew it was Tiffany key
and lil did I know my selection sooooooooooooooo resembled my brand's key
Person A
"Hey is that..........CORUM's key??"
-_-" No it's not. It's Tiffany...
Person B
"Oh...is that Tiffany?"
"Yes it is."
"but it looked so like CORUM huh?"
that reminded me that I breathe, speak and live my brand
so much so, that I have to purchase something that look SOOOOOOOOOOOO
like the brand i work for.

SGD 2,400 or was it SGD 2,600???
can't remember.....coz JS bought
he said...that a woman can never buy a Tiffany for themselves...
errrr why not?
*shuddap woman, just let him buy ok?*
ok this weekend I will bring u to Tiffany Ngee Ann City yea!!!!
coz there's something else that I like
nyek nyek nyek nyek
*evil grin*
just kidding JS
What a beautiful key!
3.5 mths ago was about the time of your birthday... so isn't this key like... 8 yrs too late?! :P
BEAUTIFUL!!! Lucky monkey!!!
Nee Lee: I'm alwiz 21 kenot meh??
TL: yes it's very beautiful :))
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