both Monkey & JS walked into the boutique and looked around on the 1st level...
"erm where's the men's collection"
Sales Associate: "Madame it's on the next street"
u mean in this whole row of shops along this's only Women's collection????!?!!
then we realised we were only at its "mini" showroom...for at the courtyard which we were later guided to..
was a beautiful semi-outdoor D&G bar and cafe
on our left was another showroom....just for Men's innerwear *ooOOooooo*
and more showrooms 360 degrees around us...
while the SHOES showroom was right ahead
-_-" besarnyaaaaaa tempat ini
which he adored so much
with its famous Italian flag stripes
prollie outta stock
Retail Euro 235 before tax
oh by the way tax is about 20% in Italy but u can only claim back around 11 - 12%
Visit Dolce & Gabbana for more products
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