Monkey was never a sandal person, *not scandal yea* yeah I know wat u ppl gonna say...
"Monkeys don't wear sandals....they walk barefoot" *duh*
Anyway I'm alwiz famous with my eiffel tall heels. *or twin towers* since i was....14??? Blame it on my mom. We share the same size....
When I was 15, and can't afford nice heels, I'll wear her sexay stillettos, and unconciously made them mine...
Now that her daughter is making decent $$$$, she's pinching on my collection.. and built a warehouse of shoes at home, *it's true* that's the place I'll locate all my missing pieces.
off topic pulak, back to my dainty sandals, Monkey goin to Phuket this Friday... wooohoooo *doin the Madagascar I like to Move it, Move!!! shake ass* aaaawwwwww......even my choice of sandals are so bimbotic!! REEF - Lase collection RM 89.90
it even has polka dots which was...too Betty Boo.. I just got this nice satin base in silver. It has proper arch for support and high density eva outsole...*ermm..wat's tat?*
This pair would be nice for walking around the resort, town, shopping...but not on the beach!!!
D-Lish sandal, RM 129.90 from Reef yeah..Don't understand why so expensive, but it's very very comfortable.
full grain leather strap, super nice sandal.. even JS lurves it..
"wei, your feet so big dun ruin my dainty sandals. Get your own." I think this one is sooooooooooooo him. it comes with a golf ball on the heel, and a tee & ball marker on the strap!!!!
hahaha.. baby u sooo gotta buy this one!!
So I am now the proud owner of 2 pairs of superlicious sandals....
When I was a lil notti monkey, there was no such thing as SatTV, esp in a country like mine.
I grew up with VCRs... goin to cinema wif frenz, indulged in LD once a while, when we can afford it.
Now I can't live without SatTV DAMN!! Received a very sweet letter fr them, on the price increase..
Yeah I know...I know, giving me a few more new channels, and trial run for 2 months, b4 charging me extras.
The only thing that got both of us hooked on, was Channel 83. Anyway last nite, the damn SatTV gave way.
The date reset itself to 1st Jan, 12.00 am I called the cust service, after trying 5 farking unsuccessful time, downloading the signal. *come on 5!!!! I was never that patient*
After following clear instructions fr them, plugging unplugging, boot and reboot, download and loading.. the other guy on the line gave up and got someone to call me.
So much for our level of service... I gave him 20 mins b4 calling the same cust service guy. I guess all of them worked in the same room. coz not only he dare not pick up my call, he got his supervisor to layan me.
Anyway prob can't be solved, they will send the cable guy tmrw to check. I was rolling my eyes over and over.
For they treat me like a dumb blonde, helloooo, i know where's the damn switch is, i know all the functions on my remote control, I know how toreconnectall the coloured cables. I even went out to check my dish to make sure it face the correct direction!!!! *strong wind and rain earlier*
They even informed me, "no service due to the gloomy weather and clouds" fark off man, the whole damn thing reset itself and the GBR was only 2!!!!
sitting idle there, I almost wanted to end my life, why the heck am I such an addict, to my home entertainment.
As much as I hated you, I needed u badly...
PLSSSS Astro, u better come n fix it tonite, I was so bored last nite, almost die-ed on my couch. and JS was not in town. damn!!! >_<
26th was the awaited day, a lovely evening in May 07, a day of unification, where Jol Dih will start her life, with someone special.
Someone who will guide her, protect her and nurture her. - till death do us part - Monkey & YM We arrived like super early... with Alexsitting alone. YM,Alex,SLing,SHui the ladies lined themselves according to seated heights...unconciously. SHui & Monkey when food is not here yet... all u do is cam-whoring!!! camwhores camwhores camwhores dun care!! we looked good. Fr the back, SHui,YM,SLeng,CTeng seated were Alex,SLing,SMei.
Till this extend, I just realised, most of my galfrenz has a middle name, that start with "S". I wanna be known as "sssssmuunkeeeee" ooOOooo...smokey baby! Monkey with the beautiful bride in pastel pink YM & Alex looked so cozy together. wat's the hand doin at the back???? SHui,SMunkee,YM & Alex The bride and the groom, Li-Ann,SMunkee,SHui, Fei Ying,Kelly,L Pei Pei,T Pei Pei,Melissa. CTeng & SLeng Kenny,SHui's bf for the nite SLing,SMei,SLeng,CTeng. All of us... looking yummier than the food.. kua kua kua..
my galfrenz are very very pretty... yummylicious,sexylicious and of coz brainy. and now I am goin to tell u a story.... This is SMei, her fav col is green *coz i alwiz see her in green* she has beautiful pantene straight hair... her fav food is... *gag* pig's head....>_< *chu muk, chu tou*
The piggy looked so happy... smiling and waiting to be consumed.. it even decorated itself to looked presentable and edible to SMei. Monkey & YM
The line of managers....the future of the company *pui*
Sunil & Ashok from New Delhi, Deepa in red, my boss's boss fr Spore, Chris da bos....dun need introduction here,
Alex the ah beng fr Spore... Janet the Ms Whitherspoon fr Spore, seated is the owner of the company fr Switzerland, our biggest boss, and Monkey the havoc fr Msia!!!
I've never taken any family portrait b4 with my coll, It looked so good that I wanna have a huge one hanging in my office.
thanks to Revolution magazine's photographer, *sorry I forgot your name*
He was supposed to photograph pics of the timepieces, for July 07 issue. and us being camwhore... forced him to take one good one for us for FREE.
bcoz I'm fat, I'm fat - come on (fat fat, really really fat) You know I'm fat, I'm fat - you know it (fat fat, really really fat)
You know I'm fat, I'm fat - come on, you know (fat, fat - really really fat) and the whole world has to answer right now Just to tell you once again, Who's fat... woooooooooooo!!
and being the usual me, my finger automatically pointed to a certain someone.. give u some hints... I lurve the wasabi rice with salmon belly by Chef Leonard, so someone managed to copy it and presented on my table for dinner. Monkey lurves potatoes.... Salmon cooked in oil confit with homemade salad and boiled potatoes!!! and when I said I lurve potatoes... more potatoes coming out fr the kitchen. potato gnocchis with saffron, peas and bacons. I oso enjoyed alio olio pasta..... and more carbs on the way. prawns ravioli in tomato based sauce with basils. when I said I like raviolis.... more ravioli the following day. porky ravioli with crunchy sautee prawns. I oso lurve cheese... even cheese on all my greens. my salads are alwiz overloaded with cheese... not to mention oily greasy chinese food. Someone will prepare it the street style for monkey. and more yummy soupy noodles..... I simply lurve prawns. Never sick of it.. and last week, I had too much of b-day cakes... being the b-day gal i got the largest chunk all the time!!! *hmmm......i am still 20 years old* When someone is too bz to cook certain dish for me, I'll go out to venture into my fav prawn noodles. and also "lam mee"
With different yummy menu everyday, how not to get fat???
Okie lar...I have a fair share to be blamed on, *and mainly on JS* for indulging too much of alcos.. One glass of red wine = 160 calories
Nowmonkey is on a detoxification diet.. how leh?? this weekend got wedding dinner.
Me being a great procastinater... "eat 1st lar...tmrw diet." fail....
Dressing for work is pretty stressing for some, waking up and hurrying to work, and choosing which piece of apparel to wear... is really a brain cell killer for some ppl.
Monkey dresses for comfort and speed, esp when she's late. Ppl don't understand it either, work doesn't start till 9am... but Monkey is very kiasu and must be in the office by 8am LATEST!!!!
Even Chris da Boss commented: "You don't have to come so early. I am very concerned about your safety." "Boss, the man(woman) who wakes up early owns the world."
"I think in this case, u only own the whole office." "Ceh......" Dress fr Forever 21, SGD 63 Shoes fr Pedder Red, SGD 199 Bag fr Coach, SGD 603
Monkey is in all cute dresses, when she's in a happy eppy mood. Top fr Naf Naf, RM 159 Pants fr Zara, RM 129 Shoes fr TopShop, RM 319 Bag fr Coach, SGD 603 Head band fr Forever 21, SGD 11
I can dress like an auntie to work, when I am late, and esp when it's FRIDAY. or when I have no mood to look presentable. Jamie sweetie and Monkey
White is my colour, White is cool, White is versatile, White is professional, White is innocent and pure *pui*
I think everyone should own at least... at least...3 pcs of different cut of white crisp shirt. The best cut would be BOSS.. To save cost (so I can buy more).. Monkey purchased Massimo Dutti.. which mostly are very similar to BOSS. Black is also my colour... hahahahahahahaha
I know...I know... I looked a very awkward bcoz I was asked to posed for a magazine... some taiwanese mag and he was speaking mandarin that I can't register!! *monkey aint' no model so she was a bit kaku* is also versatile. and so formal all the time... Dressing from top to toe in black.. just make u so elegant at once.
Now...with sales everywhere around town, Ferragamo, Burberry, Isetan...and most of all, Singapore Great Sales starts this weekend!!!!! *psssttt GST will be incresed to 7% this Jul*
I think it's high time to spend some time, shopping again.
Note: Ppl said Sales is just an exuse to spend more money, U'll spend more than u need which is very unnecessary. I think that's is a retail theraphy for me. I don't spend on fast cars nor gadgets, shopping is wat i do.
I am sure you were not born in the ZOO, for you are one of the best behaved friends monkey ever had, polite and extremely caring, with a golden heart.
The name says it, Chai & Monkey went to kindergarten together, enrolled in the same class - yellow, at 2.5 feet tall, we were adorable like hell.
Chai was so polite and sweet in her colourful lolly dress, making friends and speaking like a very well behaved lil gal, *which she still is*
while Monkey goin around the class with her weapon, a crayon stucked to her cute small hand ready to paint on someone's else possesion...
Arts was one of her fav subject, for she excelled like a young lil Van Gogh, with the whole class crowding her seat, to watch this artist performing her strokes. We were like O_O and excited, when we bumped into each other in primary 1, Both of us were into arts & music, so there's more to share than 123and ABC.
Moving to high school, lil Chai and notti Monkey were now young laydees, life's was crazy and full of curiosity, and you were there to keep me sane.
During recess, I enjoyed working.. in the lousy school co-op with you, and I still remembered our best seller was Kit-Kat. We were once again O_O when we found out we were both accepted by a reputable University, the probablity was like 3 outta hundreds of applicants,
though both ventured into different school which moulded our future, monkey into managing portfolio of $$$$ and..... kindergarten Chai to the school of innovation, cyberspace, information & technology.
Coincidence can't be this scary, we were allocated accomodation.. doors away fr each other.
It's good and comfortable to have someone so close.. at heart and with similar interest, esp when it's Monkey's 1st time... away from home.
You were there endlessly, as a caring friend, supported me in terms of study, emotionally... and in times when Monkey needed to adjust her new ife.. living at a place.....more "jungle" than her own jungle. Now you are far away in San Diego, monkey in a city of hugo-a-gogo, I am so so thankful... that we were still in touch almost everyday... *thanks to technology*
Makes me feel like you are so close.. bcoz every single moment of your presence, be it in virtual world or reality, is deeply appreciated by Monkey.
Happy Birthday to you Chai, May you have the very best in your life, for you deserve nothing...but only the best.
I wish you success in your career, fun and care free life in the States, if you do settle down for long term... pls leave a room for me there!!! *kua kua kua*
Have a blasting Birthday there!!!! I will be celebrating here with u in my heart. :)))))) Cheerrrssssss *hic*
It was Friday, and I was exhausted from work, 5 straight days of work with no play, makes an irritated monkey.
So we went to have a nice dinner.
Scalini's sits on a hill between Menara MAS & Menara KFC, U'll need to park your car at the foothill, and walk up the steps, which direct you to the restaurant.
It was less than 50 steps, but to was like climbing up to Batu Caves. huff and puff, I need my drinks....quickkkkk. It was really quiet, with only the private hall occupied by japanese, we had the whole common hall to ourselves... spells - this is a not so nice place to eat. They served toasted bread with garlic and thyme, the other one with tomato based sauce and cheese.. Scalini's served open-fire-oven-baked pizza, but with 2 little stomach, we didn't bother to order. Calamari fritters was a let down RM 20, bcoz the calamaries were not juicy, not their fault, blame it on our super tiny weeny dry squids. Penne arrabiata RM 32, ermm..okay lar. JS's pasta so much better. But Scalini's pasta is better than Prego's. Beef sirloin in some special sauce RM 48 not nice at all. ppffftttt... Apple tart with vanilla ice cream RM 20 the crust was horrible. JS: "How now? Your tastebud got so discerning, everywhere also not nice. Where to eat next time?" Monkey: "U cook lor...the food in KL is really horrible." I think I looked more horrible than the food here, after a day at work, and my company's notebook just gave way and crashed. damn!! Monkey is a tanned person, but whenever I'm with him, I felt like a snow white... kua kua kua....
yeah...go and hit more balls under the afternoon sun, no difference if I get an african as my bf.
Anyone?? who's burnt like a boiled lobster and can cook well?? My requirements isn't that high.