yep the best restaurant is in Phuket itself!!
best restaurant by Tatler Thailand,
Best by Wine Spectator too.

This restaurant stands on the edge of a cliff overlook the Andaman sea,
We went there for dinner and the beautiful sun already set by then.
looks innocent but awesome!!
this one some appetizer with dip and those white creamy thing was,
coconut milk.
errr...nothing too fantastique except the service and ambience,
we had some other food but I gave up photographing them.
full of farangs.....*mat salleh*
and it's blarddy expensive....farang price oso.
operated by a farang...
anyway it's an experience to dine at the Best.
more like a converted mini truck.
still prefer those 3 whellie tuk-tuk in Bangkok.
this laydee is making "crepes"
french pancakes but with Thai toppings..
banana and lime, pork floss with eggs,
pineapple and sugar and lime...
it looked awful but taste good
Move over msia satay!!!
we want a quieter one this nite.
nice to hold and keep your drinks cold,
they were even selling them at the sourvenir shops.
time to hit the dance floor!!!
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