before it's gone FOR REH VAAAHH!!!!! gah gah gah!!!
Covent Garden is like the garden of theatreland.
everywhere u turn to....there's theatres,
or ppl selling discounted theatre tickets,
Food food food food food.
Yep my eyes only register FOOD wherever I go.

it's a classic and a MUST GO!!!
Longest running show in London.
like erm....22 years???
this theatre is super old
*I forgot how old*
hiak hiak hiak
watching a play is a TREAT for Londoners
as for us, it was a very EXPENSIVE treat,
GBP 60 = RM 420 per person.
for my favourite show....
okie...luff all u want...
just happen that my fav is Lion King.
*go on....luff...*

the choreography and costumes and props and backdrops etc etc etc
I came out of the play singing to hakuna matata,
we got so addicted that we purchased "Lord of the Rings" tickets,
without thinking about our departure dates.
GAH!!! and so we burnt the tickets.
GAH x 1000
Quaglino's at St James.
JS lurve their ceiling....
the colour changes during the day - cozy warm colors
and blue at nite.
He was thinking of installing such lightings in our new dining hall.
Q is for Quaglino's
their salt & pepper saucer
my escargots without its shell in green herbs.
he had foie gras with caramelised pear on a bed of baby spinach.
GAH!!! wat a huge portion!!!
my crispy porkie with mushroom mash
*or was it truffle mash???*
too much of meat and I need my fiber!!!
Rockets with formaggio
we got so addicted that we purchased "Lord of the Rings" tickets,
without thinking about our departure dates.
GAH!!! and so we burnt the tickets.
GAH x 1000
JS lurve their ceiling....
the colour changes during the day - cozy warm colors
and blue at nite.
He was thinking of installing such lightings in our new dining hall.
their salt & pepper saucer
*or was it truffle mash???*
Rockets with formaggio
In fact there are some other posts still pending,
too many already...
Lucky I don't write reviews for sponsors..
I don't like to be chased down the road for some write ups.
However I am gonna give up on one particular journalist,
who's been holding my write up for 10 months already.
Well as much as I like to procrastinate,
I don't owe ppl things for like 10 farking stale months.
too many already...
Lucky I don't write reviews for sponsors..
I don't like to be chased down the road for some write ups.
However I am gonna give up on one particular journalist,
who's been holding my write up for 10 months already.
Well as much as I like to procrastinate,
I don't owe ppl things for like 10 farking stale months.
GAH! too many GAHs in this post!!!
see I got infected by your GAHs already.
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