Why moneyland??
Remember how we associate Switzerland wif...
UBS, Credit Suisse, Swissfirst Bank...bla bla bla
everyone is gawd damn rich here.
Monkey went to explore the lil town of Basel,
Basel is situated on the border of France and Germany..
main language is German.
Monkey speak not a word of German,
at least they understand my broken french.
"Haben Sie Kreditkarte?"
monkey ??????
*WTF is tat???*
"Vous parlez anglais? français?"
- do u speak english? french?
"ooOOoo, oui... français sil vous plait."
- oh, yes, french pls.
phewww....thank god.
macam a local...i just walk and walk and walk.
without a map.
connecting the old town with the new town.
yes I trespassed into the University....
they thought I'm just another foreign student.
I mingled with the youngsters in my broken french,
while they were having their morning puffs.
"which faculty are u from?"
eeee......tee heee hee...
"I just happen to pass by to get some nice pics over the river."
heeee heee heee.
anyway I was invited to their partay which I was not too keen on.
Monkey is no longer 18-22 leh....
plus I am here to work. -_-
There were tulips everywhere!!!!!
Do u know that it cost RM 20 a stalk back in Msia???
I just wished I can pluck all of them.
But then I will looked like some hooligans fr 3rd world country.
And I don't want to *memalukan* Malaysia
esp when ppl ask when am I fr.
Unlike Kee who will answer,
"I'm fr Singapore."
so that he can put his neighbouring country to shame,
with his bad behaviors.
I ended up at Chris da boss's apartment...
WTF??? I can't be so lame.
to walk unconsciously to his apt,
with only the street name in my memory,
at a place I've never been before.
He must have some magnet in him.
Anyway when I meet my boss,
it's work all the way.
it's the cocktail preview for the press,
My roomie, Janet and I pottered to Baselworld,
sleepy like hell,
coz it's 6 hours backwards in Swazeeland.
Cocktail was at 7pm,
which was like 1am back in our home country.
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