Last week the Fukuyamas hosted us and Dr. Epicurean for a yummylicious dinner at Hinata. It wasn't my first time but for JS, he's a virgin at this place...kekekekekeke.

Master Chef Hideaki Oritsuki
Chef: "Please call me Ori....as in original!!!"

We had a simple Omakase and to start with...we were served mini appetizers just to tantalize our tastebuds...but in our lil dictionary...palate tantalizer/tickler has to be champagnes....wuahahahaha

Japanese are really anal....the table had to be set up so precisely to the milimetres I think..
even the knives were positioned exaclty 1.5 inches apart,
noticed that these sashimi knives are special??? They were made for a left-handed ppl.
How quaint!!!!

The ginger used here were homemade, marinated in a special dark colored vinegar for about ten days. The format is in pieces instead of slices...then the Chef will slice them according to precise thickness on the spot for consumption.
grating the fresh wasabi on the shark skin pad
the wasabi used here is from Shizuoka with a slight sweet finish.

when I said anal...it's this anal!!!

ohhhh look wat's peeking beneath the cloth inside the box!!!
all meat were treated with such respect here.

sea salt was also served here....to be eaten with white fish
and soon, the ritual begins....we watched obediently as Chef Ori prepared our sashimi
such skillful performance with his sword...err I mean his knife.
we have 5 different types of sashimi of freshly flown in fishes of the day.
each person received 2 slices...and it proved aint' enuff bcoz I noticed JS was eye-ing my platter most of then time
-_-" hands off u!!!!
a really soft silky smooth and simple chawan mushi
think they used a bonito based broth bcoz it was so tasty!!!
crab claws with some meat, thinly sliced radish and a dollop of Crab Roes!!!
arrghhh gimme more roe!!! it was really rich indeed but good and paired so well with our wines.
Next came out a large bowl and some scary looking tentacles soon came out
Chef Ori divided them into a few portions for us.
3 pieces each....it was succulent good and soft
apparently it was boiled in red bean to achieved this color
a simple salt baked fish
Hinata Sushi originated from Nagoya Japan. The outlet in KL is their only one out of Japan. Their specialties are sushi....wat else hehehehehe.
We have been eyeing all those slices of fish being sliced earlier to prepare our sushis...oh yes I came for the sushis....just sushi :)))))
The Fukuyamas - MW Maho and Papa Bear Seiichi are a really happy couple
Dr. Epicurean couldn't agree more...esp when he has got enuff to drink here :))))
arghhh sushis not here yet??? and we were served really fine tempuras

Monkey was getting a bit impatient by now....hehehehehe

I guess for good food, u really need to wait and have that kinda patience?

no sauce just pure on its own....eaten with hands :))))))))))
that's how japanese enjoy their sushis anyway :)))

Dr. Epicurean seen here deliberating on the wines of the nite
he's alwiz this serious when it comes to food and wine. Not only on the taste profile but methodology to achieving the fine food and wines....
Yes Dr. Epicurean do analyze to the extend of wat kind of rice they used and its proportion. Otherwise I wouldn't have given him such a nickname right?

MW Maho and Papa Bear Seiichi looking good alwiz
calling Malaysia their second home, they are enjoying happy sunny days here golfing all year round. Oh but not of late due to the haze. :))))))))

What's next???? WAHHHH my favourite Sea Urchin !!!!!!!

ahhhhhhh this is my comfort food

I thought I was the only one watching intently at the chefs...but apparent the Fukuyamas as well....
hahahah the chef must be really stressful having ppl watching him like gold fish!!!
Chef Ori was presenting a really special japanese plums!!!!

He removed the stone/seed and begun a karate chop chop chopping the plums.

ta-da!!!! sour plum sushi
it was SO SO SO SO SOUR!!!!!! I didn't like it

I donated mine to One-Kilo-Man
this man can consume one kilo of beef on his own...effortlessly.

MW Maho was a really gracious generous host....
she was asking: "enuff to eat??? more food???"

I didn't mind some hot miso soup though :))))))))

some pickles dusted with yuzu to clean our palate

hmmmm this I like :)))))))))
yummy and crunchy

6 bottles for the 5 of us......
we have really serious lineup here :)))))))
not too bad for a weeknite...or the Fukuyamas called it "School Nites"

I ate till my buttons gonna burst...u can see it on this pic :P
hahahhahahahahha not very flattering

finally, ice creams hahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahaa
at this juncture, someone had to roll me outta the restaurant...too stuffed!!!!
Dr. Epicurean, MW Maho and Papa Bear
all looking stoned, tipsy and happy
hey hey it's school nite!!! we need to go to "school" tmrw!!!
no more drinks and all of us need to drive home. :))))))
Thank you to the Fukuyamas for hosting us....
really good dinner, it's so different when we are with you. Must be the company that matters huh?
Read about my first lunch visit *here*
Sushi Hinata
A-0-1, St.Mary Residence,
Jalan Tengah, Off Jalan Raja Chulan,
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2022 1349
wah, the close up shots of all the sushi is so enticing lah.. some more seeing this on a monday... praying lunchtime comes faster... hehe
Hahahaha go try it :))
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