just really suited for our 3 in 1 belated Birthday celebrations :)))) Everyone was so busy to catch-up lately, and when opportunity arises we wanna make full use of our time spent together :))))
so it was the right thing to do beginning of this year, when we were hanging out as much as possible before the busy period kicks in. Which is like about now.....or more like 2 months ago for Monkey. Ramadhan is coming really soon and I hope it's a quiet month for me to catch up with more analytical work, friends, re-organizing of my life, baking and reading. And some major paperworks to be done in my personal life. Time...time....time...NEED.MORE.TIME!!!!
Mee Mee wasn't feeling well that day but she posed well :))))
ain't easy when u are the head of your department at a MNC, having 2 young kids and one of them is still a baby, being the eldest in your family having to guide your young siblings into their young adulthood life finding themselves. Balancing between being a mother, wife, sister, friend, boss, colleague.....arghhhh. All without a MAID!!! I think she's a superwoman.
Next was Shell Shell's turn to pose with the cake :)))) hehehehehehe
I guess everyone had come a long way in their recent life, apart from work and personal....it's also about health. I alwiz believe health is wealth. Shell Shell is slowly recovering and she's really a strong woman. I broke down the day I visited her at the hospital, I know I'm such a baby...when your friend needed u the most u are not suppose to cry but be strong, show them courage and lend ur shoulder for them to cry on. Definitely not the other way.....Shell, I promised I will learn to be stronger like u...emotionally especially. :))))
Now let Monkey teach u how to pose with u cake :P
since it's gonna be eaten, might as well...HAIIIYEAAAKK!!!
Time to blow the candles but we were still busy cam-whoring
Nee Lee the camera-lady was soon getting restless...
Nee Lee: "Do u have anymore poses? Please let me know coz I'm waiting for the blow-the-candles pose!!!"
Thank you Nee Lee for organising this lil party and Karaoke!!! we had so much fun. She gave me a really soothing nice peppermint foot spa salt!!! YEAYYYY!!! that's wat I needed after trotting around in my 5.5 inches stilettos. It matched her top so well hahahahahaha
Mee Mee: "Yaaaayyy I got a beautiful yellow top in my fav color!!!! it came with contrasting necklace."
She's one eppy gal!!!! :)))))))))
Shell Shell got a pair of lovely earrings which she past on to Monkey....coz apparently all of us being her closest friend, forgotten that her pierced ears were no longer pierce. Our bad...sorry :P note taken now...we'll remember that for the rest of our lives unless u decided to do piercing again. I'll go with you :))))
YAYYYY!!!! I lurve this soft chiffon butterfly top!!! so PRETTY!!!!!!! I so can imagine myself innit with skinny jeans and pumps with a ciggie on my hand :P yes...looking like a gangsta precisely :P
They were so happy with their new dresses hahahahahha
each of them were planning to utilise it soon....oh well if only u understand gals...how small lil things can thrill them. Oh well if there's nothing to look forward to at work, then at least u should look fwd to dressing up for work!!!! hahahaha Monkey's philosophy :P
We got Lego toys!!!! Look at my eppy ecstatic face!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Mee Mee said, these days she has got no time to shop except online shopping. The only shops she goes to these days are TOY shops!!!!! hahahahahaha
I lurve the pink, orange and fuchsia bangles from Shell so much that I had it on the spot...still with its tag on!!! Yes I'm that vain :P
After all the crazy cam-whoring, screaming over the microphones and singing for freaking 4 hours, stuffing our faces with food and cakes....we decided it's time to go home, back to our respective duties - be it mother, sister, wife, gf etc.
it's good to let ur hair down on a Sunday afternoon like this...being silly and girlie and doing fun things like this.
and on Monday morning, I was so looking forward to dressing for work....
in my new bangles, new Lego keychain that has got LED lights when pressed. It was hugging my Turquoise Prada bag. And my colorful color-blocked dress....hehehehehe....
Thank you Roomies for a wonderful time spent. I look forward to our next outing as usual. Take care and be well in the mean time. Hugs and kisses.
such a lovely outing!!
luv the last photo of all the colors....
Can see that you gals had lotsa fun and all hepi faces. The cake look nice...Why no cross section of the cake wan? @_@
Thank you ladies!!!
no cross section coz it's all fully loaded with chocolates, no colourful layers like the other Wondermilk cakes :))
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