I do not know wat flowers are these... Will someone pls tell me??? It's very hard to refrain myself fr touching and unconsciously plucking them.. Look at my sick unpretty face,
Kee: "U memang not pretty wut." Monkey: "Shart up Kee."
Kee: "U reminded me of one of the Japanese actress?" Monkey: "Ya lar I know which one. The porno ones rite?" Kee: "...*gasp*..yeah yeah. How did u know?"
-_- I know u Kee, U'll never say anything great about me. Janet lurves her wine all the time, She even bought some wines for our apartment... Monkey is too sick to drink.
Ashok fr India market and Monkey
Me and Valerie....she's really beautiful Ms. Whitherspoon and Clare fr Oz market He said he found new galfrenz *again* Damien fr IT dept. everyone move aside!!! I just want Gaetan's pic!!! Alex and Monkey
Finally we have secured all the orders for 2007. Time to "yum seng" for Monkey, it's only H2O.
To achieve a target which was 300% more than last year is crazy, working towards it took a lot of efforts, sweat, blood, tears, time, brain cells, arguments, trashy words to each other. &**###$@#@$%
and we managed this steep growth. when we sealed the final order, all we could do is hug each other and rejoice.
Congratulations to the Msia team in Basel, *which were ike Chris and me only* for working the extra miles... and achieving our target on the 5th day!!!!
wooohoooo where's my bonus boss?? I deserved a good holiday...
Monkey flying off to the Land Beneath the Wind, tonite....
for some nice spas and getaways. just that I am still sick here....*snort*
There must be some super strong mother of all virus incubating in my body, for it's still there after 14 days,
I've infected 3 ppl officially, 1) My director in Spore 2) Ms. Whitherspoon in Spore 3) poor JS
unofficial?? 1) the swiss guy who sat beside me in the flight 2) Kee *self proclaimed*
am currently wearing a mask, just in case another victim. or my boss should just let me stay at home and rest.
It's a holiday after all today, The Installation of the King.
"Why can't we have holidays tmrw????" "Bcoz it's not official and it's optional."
"but...but...LVMH group is off TOMORROWW!!!!!! "I SAID it's optional."
"You disrespect the King. He will chop your head off!!!" "....................if u don't come tmrw, I will chop yours."
Monkey stick our her tongue.. "You are evil Chris." "nyek nyek nyek....wat to do...I'm da boss. And being number 2 in the company, u have to follow my decision *grin*." Pale sick Monkey,Laurent and Ms.Whiterspoon. By the 5th day, Monkey fell ill in Basel.
Went to see a doctor.... so damn hard to find a doctor there.. after consulting him...he scribbled some notes on a piece of paper.
"Mademoiselle, pls go to the pharmacist and get yada yada yada."
WATTT? I still have to walk a few hundred metres to get my medication?? can't u see I'm dying here? Anyway the medication cost me CHF 60 = RM 180. 1 row of flu med, 1 throat antibacterial spray, 1 row of paracetamol.
Yesterday I went to my usual doc at KLCC, only cost me RM 52.
Those medication fr Switzerland didn't cure me at all, instead it supressed my illness. and the virus just incubated inside me before multiplying. Antonio and family...*he is soooo good looking, the wife better be careful.* his lil gal is so darn sweet and cute. I just felt like smuggling her home to Msia.
Wearing a Zara yellow dress *which I almost bought bcoz it's so GUCCI liked* is my regional director. Opening her wardrobe one day...
"Deepa, u can open your own Zara shop. Do u know that I have some of the dresses and shoes that u have there?" "Just make sure u don't wear them when i'm wearing it." "You are the boss." Mr. Chairman and Antonio's elder gal. She got blue eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! both of them are suisse. a beautiful fountain outside the museum. Since monkey is sick, she was excused from work and got to wander around, for fresh air. Nope, this ain't no church. It's the city theatre. Doreen and Ms. Whitherspoon, Doreen is one of the most respected GM and event organiser in KL. She's very sought after in town...
Joined both of them *and of coz Kee* for dinner at Swissotel. A very uneventful dinner.
It's Spring!!! Weather is alwiz lovely lovely lovely, with enuff sun, and yet it's still chilly.... tulips everywhere *well in this case only in ang moh's land* I stumbled into this wild mistletoe!!!! OMG!!!! Sorry folks, confirmed this monkey a "jakun" but still....how come got mistletoe one??? Xmas been over for 4 mths liao. ??????? someone pls tell me. As dayz progressed, Monkey been bz bz bz bz bz bz, I was gawd damn tired by then, and it's only the 2nd day of the fair.
How to survive for 10 dayz???? I was sooooo looking fwd to go home to Msia. My biggest boss and also the owner of the brand. He owns a chateau dated from 1023.....that's like gazillion years old. in southern France, which was used to be a hunting lodge for King Francois. This is his son, Michael... also the President of the company. Look at my drunken face.... I feel like giving myself a punch.
"How do u prefer to be address Michael? Mike? Michael???" "tee hee hee....le Presidente...hehehe." Monkey rolls eyes...
"helooo Mr. President...that's your tittle." "Darlin, you can call me anything." A not so drunken pic with Ms. Whiterspoon. Stolen fr Ms.Witherspoon's camera. u knew damn well who is Alex trying to copy.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr He's just plain jealous!! and keep hitting on Fabienne to provoke me!!! nvm...I said.. I also have a new boyfriend there.
He is so darn cute!! His name is Gaetan. :)))))))))))))))) Monkey floating on air. in the end, he cannot tahan and said he wants me back.
ah beng..ah beng.. Monkey shakes her mickey mouse head. Exhibition closes at 7pm everyday, we were the exhibitors, so we left by 8pm.. Look at the sky, it is still so bright!!
and I know, I have to pick Kee up.... ...............sigh................. File pic taken 6 months ago, the 1st time I met him..
I hate his stupid bag that looks like a dog. u think u Paris Hilton meh???
Oooo..yup i bumped into PARIS HILTON in BASEL!!!!!! confirmed a dumb blonde I tell ya!! "I am so delighted to be in Zurich bla bla bla nye nye nye"
Total silence. everyone -_- This is Basel lar...not Zurich!!!
Paris was there to launch her own line of watches. Anyway she is really sweet and beautiful. Surprising not that tall. Really beautiful in person. with 8 mafia like bodyguards....
On another note, Monkey is seriously ill today, I'm goin home now. if only i can finish my work here.
Don't ask wat happen to day 1 and day 2, If u were still wondering.....*tsk tsk* Day 1: The day I had swiss fondue Day 2: yesterday's entry
So don't worry, U missed nothing. Call me anti-social or watsoever, I just prefer to explore every corner on my own, Including apparel shopping, I don't bring anyone else coz it just takes too much of time, having to wait....shop for things that I don't like, and waiting....and wait and having to wait...and WAIT. all these bridges reminded me so much of Prague in Czech Republic, It's one of the place that was still intact, undisturbed, undestroyed during the World War. I wondered how old were these gravels, It's just beautiful to me....*slap me* Anyway this place, watever wherever it is... is really damn old... got to be a few hundred years. then monkey just stumbled into one of those castle, and tried to find ways to get in... of coz I can't. *stupid monkey*
the walls were 5 storeys high, how to climb ar??? and I don't seem to be able to locate the entrance... ???? mane ar????? the river is so clear!!!! our rivers can fight with cafe latte man!!! milky and thick. Wat say u??? esp during rainy season like this. Then back to work... -_- sien So sien till I took pic of this candle. They served rose champagne all day long, I guess it's a tactic to make all the visitors/journalist/retailers/buyers dizzy, so either they'll order more or write extreme good reviews about us. Of coz it's damn sien... having to wear biz suit all day long *stiff neck* and seated with Mr. Super Big Boss aka Mr. Severin Wunderman aka Mr. Chairman, and Mr. Boss aka Mr. Victor Sassoon aka Mr. Coffee Bean owner.
My 2 biggest bosses... -_- Mr Executive VP aka Jany and Alex the cutie aka ermmm Spore Ah Beng. I felt so pai seh having Jany to carry my stuffs all the time, Well it's quite their culture to be so gentleman,
Alex will just... "Carry yourself lar....I very tired."
Monkey sulks...... Anyway in the end, I managed to get him to carry all my things... tee hee hee. Notti Monkey wif Miss Janet aka Reese Witherspoon. She's very popular there *the only Spore gal* and me the only Msian gal...
and I would say, we are the only asian gals, in our brand.
It was the 2nd day at Moneyland, Why moneyland?? Remember how we associate Switzerland wif... UBS, Credit Suisse, Swissfirst Bank...bla bla bla everyone is gawd damn rich here.
the tree at the back of my apartment was blooming with white flowers. The day I left, it has dropped most of its flowers leaving a green green tree.
Since work has yet to start for the 1st two dayz, Monkey went to explore the lil town of Basel, Basel is situated on the border of France and Germany.. main language is German.
Monkey speak not a word of German, at least they understand my broken french.
"Haben Sie Kreditkarte?" monkey ?????? O_o *WTF is tat???*
"Vous parlez anglais? français?" - do u speak english? french?
"ooOOoo, oui... français sil vous plait." - oh, yes, french pls.
phewww....thank god.
their gardens are at the back of the apartment...
Monkey woke up early n strolled around, macam a local...i just walk and walk and walk. without a map. They have plenty of bridges like this, connecting the old town with the new town. This was taken at Basel University, yes I trespassed into the University.... they thought I'm just another foreign student.
I mingled with the youngsters in my broken french, while they were having their morning puffs.
"which faculty are u from?" eeee......tee heee hee... "I just happen to pass by to get some nice pics over the river." heeee heee heee.
anyway I was invited to their partay which I was not too keen on. Monkey is no longer 18-22 leh.... plus I am here to work. -_-
Monkey walked along the river...weather was a lovely 15 degrees and begin to stalked this cutie walking his dog.
*gasp* There were tulips everywhere!!!!! Do u know that it cost RM 20 a stalk back in Msia??? Tulips are my fav flowers. I just wished I can pluck all of them. But then I will looked like some hooligans fr 3rd world country.
And I don't want to *memalukan* Malaysia esp when ppl ask when am I fr.
Unlike Kee who will answer, "I'm fr Singapore." so that he can put his neighbouring country to shame, with his bad behaviors.
after walking for 45 minutes, I ended up at Chris da boss's apartment...
WTF??? I can't be so lame. to walk unconsciously to his apt, with only the street name in my memory, at a place I've never been before.
He must have some magnet in him. Anyway when I meet my boss, it's work all the way. Then in the evening, it's the cocktail preview for the press, My roomie, Janet and I pottered to Baselworld, sleepy like hell, coz it's 6 hours backwards in Swazeeland.
Cocktail was at 7pm, which was like 1am back in our home country. *yawnnnnnnn*