Planning was done 3.5 weeks ago with a group of great friends being gathered. Everyone was given some form of tasks be it to wake up early on a Sunday morning, or preparing some really yummy home cooked food, getting the yummiest bday cake, Arts and Decos, being a paid-less photographer for a few hours, coordinating the "smuggles" but most of all the Birthday Gal must not know about this. So this most difficult task was given to none other than the husband YS.
Once the Birthday Gal aka Beautiful CS was outta the home to run her usual Sunday errands......Sexay Back Maggie, Shy Chatwin, JS and Monkey crashed into the house and HIJACKED it. The maid was oso given some form of tasks hahahahaha.
Shy Chatwin >.<"
stress-nya work for this "boss"
Taffy was so curious with all these ppl working ferociously. Usually every human beings would be so bz cuddling her but not this time.....she wondered why.
Sexay Back Maggie: "WAT??? u mean u dunno how to come here????"
Guests were having difficulties with road diversion on this particular day....
Quick Quick Quick we only have got 1 hour!!!!!
Soon the secret guests came pouring in one after another.....and with such high security of this condo...we managed to smuggle in all the guests with no problem. Yea that's why I said we hijacked the house coz the guards have got no clue who was answering the phone giving access to all these people.
Wilbur lurves dog too much!!!!
while Taffy said FINALLY!!!! someone is cuddling her :)))) it's about time u know.
Sexay Back Maggie and Shy Chatwin......see told ya he's shy...he doesn't even wanna look at the camera!!!
Yummy buttercream vanilla mini cupcakes from Wondermilk :))))
poor Taffy hohohohohohohohoho
All the helium balloons were scattered everywhere......Sexay Back Maggie said dun bother, when the kids arrive....they will do the job to merchandise these balloons and told me to save my energy.
Still busy with some handicrafts work......while the men....
As usual...glued to the television with the remote control hahahahahahahha
Hot Mama Thevi and Monkey

Me and the W boys :)))))
oh yea the theme was RED bcoz it's Beautiful CS's fav color :))))) and I made sure everything was RED from the food to the setup to MY HAIR!!! hohohohohohoho

Hot Mama Thevi said she wanna be Santa Maria. That bouquet of flowers were so happened to be at Beautiful CS's might as well used it to create more atmosphere.

ML Joanne arrived telling everyone how KFC doesn't sell fried chicken before 11am!!! poor lady she had to get something else at the very last minute. Thank you!!!! :)))))))

Food oso came with each guest and time to merchandise them accordingly.

The W boys said they were really really hungry esp with the aroma of these buttercream baby cupcakes!!! no one can eat yet!!! we have to wait for the rest of the guests and Bday gal!!!

Stuart and Hot Mama Thevi....poor Stuart who's suffering from jet lag...he almost needed toothpicks to hold his eyelids open.

then BCBG Amy and Ben arrived with the Bday cake of coz!!! very very important for this party hahahaha
All of us were waiting anxiously bcoz the Bday gal will be home anytime and certainly we were making too much of noise. The security guards downstairs were soon letting in anyone who mentioned this particular unit number without calling this unit!!!!
This was horror story bcoz we didn't want anyone to screw up this surprise which we had planned!!! Soon Sexay Back Maggie went down to informed the guards there's isn't any party. NO PARTY so shhhhhhhhhh. The guard smiled cutely and said OK with his hands in cue.
Wilbur said he's gonna take this rabbit home. Hahahahaha
and so we have the famous Carrots and Celery Sticks with the Onion Spinach Dip made by Sharoness. It was really really yummy!!!! Before the Bday gal arrives, everyone was bz whacking this!!!!
Sexay Back Maggie grilled some awesome chicken with herbs while the W Boys handmade these lovely crispy vegetable spring rolls. Even the dipping sauces were homemade too. Being such creative bunch of ppl, the W boys even brought their own RED perspex tray to match the beautiful meticulously wrapped spring rolls.
Prestigious Mein bought an array of freshly steamed Dim Sum. Perfect for a Sunday brunch. Thumbs up!!!! Brian C bought some selections of yummy yong tofu from his fav breakfast place.
Then there's Mixture of sushis by ML Joanne, a lovely gourmet salad prepared by Hot Mama Thevi.
So u see everyone has got their specialities.....and JS forgot to snap pic of his amazing baby pork ribs curry.......It was so so so yummy. While Sweet Devil Rachel brought fruits platter....all these were not in the camera bcoz we were in a rush to prepare for Beautiful CS's arrival.
There's the fruits platter....Sweet Devil Rachel was so thoughtful to coordinate the colors to match the theme of this party!!!
Poor Taffy wasn't spared.....she was tied with ribbons on her neck to her dismay....she felt ugly and hid at the kitchen after that. Before long, the humans took her out and tried to tie her to some helium balloons.
Tsk tsk abuse...
The other item being abused in this house was this poor rabbit.....Brian C he wanna sit on it and hop out like a rabbit to throw in the surprise for the birthday gal....
Then we heard footsteps.....YS gave an emergency call that the Birthday Gal is on her way up to the house....Monkey was peeping under the door....and breathed a sigh of relief bcoz all of our shoes were hidden inside the house.
Well u don't want the entire surprise to be spoilt by simple things like this right?
Then all of us hid at every nooks and corner we could...behind the kitchen counter, behind the couch, behind the leather seats, behind the rows of chairs, under the tables anywhere as long as we were hidden.
and so our Birthday Gal came back from her Sunday groceries.
Just look at her face!!!!
First thing that struck her sights was the Birthday Banner on her dining hall.
luckily she wasn't holding any glasswares or bottles.....the thunderous surprise would drop anything. Hohohohohohoho...
Hot Mama Thevi: "AWWWW dun cry!!!!"
Believe it or not.....wat a BIG BIG coincidence....birthday gal was wearing RED too!!! Wow this is too good :))))
Beautiful CS and Sharoness in the same dress hahahaha.
Beautiful CS: "Look Kayla!!! there's so much of food!!!!"
and soon the man himself came up....Mr.YS the husband who helped us in delivering the wife home and gave us ample time to prepare for the setup.
Prestigious Mein and Wilbur got photo-bombed by Sweet Devil Rachel
Then it's time to MAKAN coz everyone was SO SO SO HUNGRY!!!!!
it's really torturing to stare at all those yummy food, the smell the sights!!!! arghhh!!!!
Everyone was so bz whacking and stuffing food into their face including the kids. I must say everything was so so so yummy!!!!
Monkey, Prestigious Mein and ML Joanne
JS forgot to snap pic of his curry and finally I saw some on ML Joanne's plate. HOHOHOHO
All the home cooked food was so yummy, soon they were all exchanging recipes from the spring rolls, to the salad dressing to the beautiful dips to the grilled chicken marinade and the pork curry.
It did looked like Christmas or Chinese New Year huh?
very nice :)))
Nice color coordination with William, BCBG Amy and Wilbur.
Ben and BCBG Amy....
the helium balloons were all so cool with even cooler messages hahahahahaha.
Time for SELFIES!!!!!
Great shot JS :))))
This was Wilbur's hands hahahahahaha
Make a wish or a few wishes Beautiful CS!!!!
YS the husband: "I didn't know my wife is 21."
everyone -_-"
All the beautiful ladies with Beatutiful CS
Hot Mama Thevi, ML Joanne, BCBG Amy, Baby Rheanna, Sweet Devil Rachel, Beautiful CS, Baby Kayla, Sexay Back Maggie, Monkey and Prestigious Mein.
Hey look!!!! a naked man is about to fall down the sky
and the guys oso in red and pink....coz they were color blind I think?
Ben, JS, Stuart, Aiden, Wilbur, Brian C, Beautiful CS, William, Shy Chatwin and YS.....Baby Kayla isn't looking too happy here. Oh well now u dun like boys....wait till u grow up ok?
Everyone was having a jolie good time including the kids....
oh well after all the sugar rush, everyone was hyper including the Maid!!! hahahaha

All the pressies awaits :)))))
opening pressies r everyone's fav part hahahaha

U can see that Beautiful CS is a very impatient person hahahaha. She must wear it or use her pressies immediately. :))))))

Oh wait!!!!
wat's everyone staring at with the same expression including the dog Taffy?!?!?!?!?!??!?!
everyone basically had the similar expression except the husband YS who's looking so so so eppy. Hahahahaha...wanna know why????
Oh well since u r so impatient and can't wait to use all ur pressies.....why not we start with these sexay lingerie first huh???? tee hee heee eh
Birthday Gal Beautiful CS was indeed really Happy and Touched!!!
we are eppy as long as u had a great surprise and birthday celebration.
Thank you dearie Friends for making this happened. Most importantly for keeping this under ur sleeves for so many weeks. It ain't easy keeping secrets from this CSI Beautiful CS who's able to sniff any improper act or fishy stuffs goin on under her nose.
and a very very Happy Birthday to Beautiful CS. May u alwiz be blessed with joy and happiness in your life, fun and laughters, good eats and most of all GREAT FRIENDS like all of us. WUAHAHAHAHAHA *yea we r not shy ppl*
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