"How's work?"
well..it's ..erm...er....well..urm...great I supposed.
Knowing that I'll be working for a boss who's behaviour is half of Miranda Priestley.
*if u watched, The Devil Wears Prada, u'll know who*
Welcome to the high fashion world I've been living for the past years...
I'm so sick of it!!
working among beautiful ladies who can qualify on the front cover of magazines,
some with silicon boobs,
most had botox,
eye lashes extensions...
hair extensions..
perfectly manicured nails.
blonde, brunette tresses flowing beautifully on the shoulder.
well...everyone's pretty, sexay, beautiful, tall bla bla nyeh nyeh nyeh...
Deep inside,
they are ugly stupid dumb blondes!!!
perfectly selfish narcicists,
with super rich socialite boyfriends *who are also jerks*
self-centered bitches,
with deep hatred towards you in their heart..
Working with them makes me wanna tear off their fake hair/eyelashes extensions,
spank their fake boobies,
smack the perfectly pouted injected lips!!!
I don't care a damn....coz..
I'll be leaving for a better working environment soon!!!
Hopefully this is the beginning of many good things to come my way!!!!
woooHOOOOOO.. :)
So since I'm so happy, I'll post some pics friends sent over and some fr my own.

I just realised I'm becoming a narcicist and a self-centered person like those bitches in my office...
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