This is gonna be a pictorial feast for you :))) I guess no words needed to describe any markets around the world. Somehow Omicho is quite exceptional, and one of the main reason we were in Kanazawa. It isn't a huge market, but the selection were enormous for us to enjoy from its sights, beautiful marine products, vegetables, groceries etc.
Having operated since the Edo period in the middle of 18th century...this market is definitely touching its three century celebration really soon. Omicho has always been a place to trade in Kanazawa, in fact it is the largest market here.
Having operated since the Edo period in the middle of 18th century...this market is definitely touching its three century celebration really soon. Omicho has always been a place to trade in Kanazawa, in fact it is the largest market here.

Oh I forgot to share with you my readers that most of the crabs supply of Japan came from Ishikawa, especially during the winter months. There were so many different types of crabs here from the hairy one to the ones with spider legs, short legs, stumpy legs, fat ones flat ones and those which u go just for its roes or those with fat fleshy sweet meat.
oh la la la la la~~~~~look at how fat those prawns were!!! as fat as santa claus and trust me, there's a reason why I referred these babies to santa claus coz it's power packed with more goodness on the inside :)))) yummmsss delish~~~~I lurve them raw :)))
Beautiful Japanese grapefruits

It was also the season of sweet Japanese Mikan!!! We bought quite a lot of fruits to be consumed back in our hotel everyday. Can't get healthier....fruits for breakfast and before bedtime. Coz those were the only time we were in the room.

Can the radish get any fatter than this? They looked like torpedos.
Judging from the beautiful bountiful produce, we can conquer that the land and soil here are extremely fertile.
These fish are the amazing must have Nodoguro fish....Japanese Blackthroat seaperch or Rosy seabass. A high grade fish found only at the Sea of Japan *that's where Ishikawa is* it's so delicate, tender, super fat despite its small size and extremely delicious as sushi, sashimi, grilled, stewed, or cooked with soy. We have tried it in different ways and this is really a highly recommended fish.
Wiahahahahah abalone~~~~~ who can resist that especially those from Japan :)))))))))
Seriously, if we have such amazing market, we would do our groceries here everyday, and experiment with different produce at each different season. Even the groceries store stocked up all the items, from dry produce to amazing soya sauce and sake.
Ultimately the goal was to fill our stomachs hahahahahaha. The speciality here is rice topped with all the beautiful produce from the sea with touches of gold leaves here and there. So I chose abalone, sweet prawns, toro, some amazing breams, seabass, squid, white fish, roes and I can't remember what else....can't even see the rice wuahahahahaha
While JS went for the ultimate, the tub of sea urchin which cost less than a hundred ringgit. The deep colored sea urchin was so creamie and rich. Yummmzzzzzz
Such a happy place to be :))) there's no recommended stalls here, just choose whichever you think you like. We went to the sushi place upstairs instead of the crowded ones on the ground floor. I guess with such beautiful marine produce, no stalls can get it wrong.
A happy place to explore in the morning followed by early brunch. Nobody says that you can't eat these in the morning right? hehehehehe. Omicho market is closed on Sundays and Wednesdays but it varies though...some dry produce shops may still open. And of coz on public holidays too.
We will be back!!! for more :))))))))
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