Have you had enuff yet of this humongous market? I haven't hahahaha. So last week I've posted mostly on the inner market section. There is also the dry market, the food section, the non-food section as well.

The food section was really a nice stroll but there's just too many ppl as compared to the inner market. All the tourists seemed to be hoarding around the FOOD section only!!!

One of the famous Ramen place. All the tourists busy slurping noodles...among the conversations in English (Singaporeans), Cantonese (HongKies) and Mandarin (Taiwanese)

What's brewing in that huge yummy pot? Looks like some beef tendon with some spareparts innit.

Basically there's no comfort in dining here. Just find a spot, squeeze in and slurp ur noodles loud while it's HOT.

Then I spotted one of the worker there enjoying his pipping hot Japanese Curry Rice. Ohhhh yumms comfort food.

Fancy some charcoal grilled fresh oysters?

or BBQ Kobe Beef skewers? It's pink on the inside :))))

if you don't mind queue-ing up with throngs and throngs of tourists for sushi, this is the section u should be. Cheap and good sushis.

Monkey decided her stomach is way way way too hungry to be queue-ing up like that.
"Hey Mister, could I just borrow your mean machine? I just need to get to the other side of the market?"

"Missie, prollie u should have considered the size of this market and took ur bicycle with you."
I guess only certain vehicles were allowed within that vicinity, bcoz most of the bicycles were parked outside.

Because we were tad too pampered folks....JS refused to queue up like that and we went to the local sushi place that has got NO TOURISTS!!!!
MW Maho and Papa Bear brought us here at Tsukiji Sushi on the first day we arrived, so we went back there. *click here to read*

He was one eppy boy there, popping sushi into his mouth. Minus the crowd, minus the queue, hehehehehe...see I told ya he's way way way more pampered than me. The quality of the fish here in Japan is so so so great that I can really eat sushis sashimis every single day and every meal!!!! and the rice!!!! oh gawd...I m missing it now.

After our brunch, we continued our journey at Tsukiji Market and there's so much to buy!!!!

Mr JS's favourite section of the market...
I do not understand how many more knives he needs at home!!!! It's so complete we can open up a kiosk and start selling them. Including those specially made and limited edition knives. In Kyoto, JS got a knife artisan to tailor made one for him with his name engraved onto the sharp blade.
-_- ok i get it....Chef will alwiz want personal knife/knives. He's so afraid of me ruining HIS KNIVES that Monkey has got her own set to use...not allowed to touch his set.

Another B2B kinda shop selling used weighing machines

I really enjoyed the dried section. So much to buy and the Japanese dried scallops were of awesome quality. We made imperial stocks outta it and it's so so so delicious lip-smacking good!!!

fragrant bonito flakes of different cuts, quality and made. Lurve them!!! JS used them a lot in his dashi stock.

The vegetables section was another animal on its own, with beautiful produce from all over Japan. I've never seen carrots this RED!!!!! it's not even orange.

and finally no visits here can be concluded before visiting the famous Tamago stall. Prepared on the spot :)))))))) The color of the egg yolks is almost like SunShine :)))

a special wooden panel to press the eggs as he cook them layers after layers.

it still has to be fluffy on the inside. The aroma filled the air and is such a killer!!!

There's choice of Sweet (mirin) and savoury tamago. Served with a dollop of radish/daikon relish on top, skewered on a bamboo stick. I've eaten many variation of Tamago. From artisanal to michelin starred quality. The one here is pretty normal but it's delicious. I guess with such high quality of ingredients and passion injected into preparing every single morsel of food here in Tsukiji, one can truly produce top notch yummy goodness to fill anyone's tummy :)))
I am looking forward to our next visit here....before the relocation of Tsukiji Market by Spring 2015. So Folks, if u are planning to visit Tokyo, this should always be on your list and do come early :)))
Tsukiji Sushiko
3-16-9 Tsukiji Murimachi Building 1F,
Tsukiji, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo, Japan.