We saw a stunning sunset over the Mediterranean sea before some beautiful villa perched on a rock covered it. Oh well then we just moved over to the left to continue on this feast for our eyes and soul. :))))))))))
Monkey and JS checked into a Relais & Chateau property in Marseille, it's so so beautiful and I'll never get enuff of the view, the sound and the smell of the sea. :)))) But what attracted us to stay at Le Petit Nice Passedat is its restaurant!!!! hohohohohohohohoho

at the veranda outside our bedroom. It commands a stunning view and bcoz of this, I didn't wanna go anywhere except stay here in our suite or just lounge on the sun deck all day. The sun is just so lovely and u dun feel its intensity. Just the beautiful cool temperature and sea breeze, finally when the sun hits your skin, it felt so so comfortable, like a heater radiating at the most perfect temperature just slightly on top of ur skin. We stayed here for 5 days and I've gotten such a beautiful tan.
After our beautiful sunset, we went to the restaurant which was just directly below our room. Le Petit Nice Passedat is own and run by Mr. Gerald Passedat himself, the Executive Chef cum owner of this property, both the hotel and restaurant. On the Chateau & Relais website, he's described as the Grand Chef.
Chef Gerald Passedat
He's very good looking :))) typical french look :))). We saw him on one of those evenings after our post-dinner walks. He greeted us upon our entrance and we were so speechless to even snap a pic of him. Instead many many pics with his dog almost everyday. JS adores his dog that Pug.Born in 1960, Passedat took over the business from his father. His father also took over from the grandfather. I guess it's a french thing hehehehe. The grandfather bought the current seaside villa in 1917 and Passedat's daddy got the very first Michelin Star in 1977. Wow!!!!
and recently in 2010, Gerald Passedat received his Chevalier Legion of Honor. It is the highest decoration and honor any french man/woman can receive. Double Wow!!!! u have to contribute at least 25 years of professional activities or 20 years of public service. Oh this is so unlike in Malaysia whereby u contribute money to get your decorations. :P

We have a table by the glass window overlooking the sea. There's also a terrace seating out there, but temperature here drops drastically at nite so that isn't a good idea.
amuse bouche of deep fried elongated pastries like our chinese pohpiah. But these were definitely so much finer. I couldn't wait to sink my teeth in bcoz they looked so crispy and light!!!

and oh my oh my wat a pleasant surprise!!! innit it was airy with small pieces of sea bass and tarragon. Oh yessss fish!!!! how did he do that???
another amuse bouche was this so beautifully chopped to the squares mixture of seafood and citrus and tomatoes and herbs. Dressed in a beautiful sauce made in house. Passedat is an avid underwater diver....as in really deep water. Hence he's very much influenced by the sea and all of his creation tells a story.
The bread specially baked for Le Petit Nice Passedat from a local boulangerie. The bread was airy and light, the crust was malty with a beautiful nose and bites with a crunch. We had so much and had to refrain from having an extra piece, but the staffs here kept on feeding us with more bread.
"would you like more bread sir?"
JS: "NOOOOO pls take it away from me!!! it's TOO GOOD!!!!"
Small bites of cured fish with seaweed and a dollop of citrus sauce. I'm already so happy with this. It seemed so simple but was very well executed. The fish has gone through some form of preparation to produce this texture. Just reminded me of some sushi master chefs in Japan....all the long meticulous processes to give u a slice of raw fish that's full of flavour and umami-ness.
some throwback here on aged sushis back in Sapporo *click here to read*
When the lid was opened, the perfume of shellfish infiltrate my nose!!! ohhhh such beautiful scent and it's so intense. It's like there's a huge pot of boiled shellfish under my nose...couldn't wait to dig in.
Bonito and mackerel laid beautifully on top of crunchy pickled greens, with sea emulsion and a slice of botarga in the middle. Yumzzzz
sea bass with truffles, basil, coriander and lemon.
my oh my...how do u even cut zucchini like that???? Please JS don't make me do this at home!!!
my oh my...how do u even cut zucchini like that???? Please JS don't make me do this at home!!!
this fish was served with fennel and a side dishes of different type of vegetables.
Lettuce and spinach custard with caviar on top and a piece of round fritter.
Carefully prepared conch/snail with its shell on the side. They even gave us pieces from its "legs" which I called slug legs...it's for good luck!!!!
*pic taken from the web*
it looked like this, the oval disc that shaped like an ear. In Southern France, they used these as accessories/jewelries for it brings luck!!! But JS kept putting them on top of Doraemon's head, saying these are his new ears. Did u realise that Doraemon doesn't have ears coz the rat ate them?
"It's slug legs.....not ears....don't con him." -_-
JS: "wahahahahaha slug legs!!!!"
we had a feast of different types of fishes and shellfish cooked and prepared beautifully with meticulous skills and thoughts. The pairing of the taste between the land produce from the gardens and from the sea were singing on our palate the entire evening. It's so beautiful~~~
*pic taken from the web*
it looked like this, the oval disc that shaped like an ear. In Southern France, they used these as accessories/jewelries for it brings luck!!! But JS kept putting them on top of Doraemon's head, saying these are his new ears. Did u realise that Doraemon doesn't have ears coz the rat ate them?
"It's slug legs.....not ears....don't con him." -_-
JS: "wahahahahaha slug legs!!!!"
we had a feast of different types of fishes and shellfish cooked and prepared beautifully with meticulous skills and thoughts. The pairing of the taste between the land produce from the gardens and from the sea were singing on our palate the entire evening. It's so beautiful~~~
I must say this was quite an experience - sea anemone inside a fritter. YEAH we have eaten sea anemone and it's so yummy!!! the umami-ness was so intense. Not so much for its texture and looks but for its awesome taste. I could have more of these.
We had a bottle of stunning white wine to go with all the seafood and beautiful fishes :)))) Chef Passedat has more than 65 types of fishes being prepared in his kitchen each year according to season.
and now......behold!!!!!!!!
the STAR of Le Petit Nice Passedat~~~~~~
the best Bouillabasse, not only in Marseille....not only in France....but in the WORLD is only served here at Le Petit Nice Passedat.
Pieces of fish, all cooked to the right texture in fish broth, potatoes with saffron, octopus and a small dollop of aioli on top. You could see the texture of the fish is just firm and not flaky nor overcooked.
Then the magic happens~~~~~~
The thick fish stock with sea urchins innit, hence the thickness....I can just live on this alone!!!!
Generally bouillabaisse must have rockfish innit. For Chef Passedat, he has 3 types of fish from different levels of the Mediterannean sea. This give the dish different sweetness and texture.
I've tasted quite a few bouillabaisse around South of France and I can attest that this is the best. Where else to enjoy this if not at the place of birth itself?
JS's favourite course.....apart from wines....if u count wine as a dinner course itself.
The cheese cart was wheeled out in glee....
I don't like Roquefort....JS lurves it so much for its delicate nose but strong taste. It's spicy on my tongue...just like a bottle of Gevrey Chambertin. So easy to blind-taste me with a bottle of GC.
I'm very conservative and single minded when it comes to my cheese. It's usually the strong creamie velvety Epoisse, which is very strong too but it has got the velvety smooth kinda strong....and a really good aged Comte cheese which has this cristalised crunch. AAAahhhhhh.......I miss my cheeses.
This was our dessert....inspired from the sea....like Corals.
orange and chocolates is like a beautiful blissed marriage....and definitely blissful for my tummy too...hehehehehe....
the fine chocolate melted away and the coral opened up.
Petit four were so so so fine. I was almost in tears bcoz I couldn't finish it!!!!!. Maybe they could send it to our suite??

Chef Passedat's beloved pug....he's the resident dog here... and he lives in this villa. It's a french bulldog. He hates me and alwiz growled at me.....
even the business card holder has its face there.
but he lurved JS and let him pet him anytime he wanted to. On the day we checked-in Angry Pug scared me bcoz he was right outside our room, and I guess I scared him too. Hence the HATE relationship started between the two of us.....hahahahaha.
Anyhow he's one cute and scary pug at the same time. I never walk alone here bcoz he will follow me around the property and growl grrrRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Only JS can tell him to stop and go away. Hmph!!!
This is one beautiful and stunning restaurant in Marseille. Even more stunning creations from Chef Passedat. For more information log onto the website below:
Le Petit Nice Passedat *3 Michelin Stars*
Anse de Maldorme,
Corniche JF Kenney.
13007 Marseille
Tel: +33 4 9159 2592
Opens: Tue - Sat
Closed: Sun & Mon
Opens: Tue - Sat
Closed: Sun & Mon
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