Friends alwiz asked what do we do on vacation?
errrrr Eat Sleep Crave and Repeat? Kekekeke, yes alwiz crave for more food and rest. oh well something like that actually but there's definitely more than eat sleep and repeat it over and over.
so usually we'll have our cuppa or breakfast in the villa then head down to town on foot. Yeah reminder to self...gotta burn off all the calories before we can indulge more. I guess on average we walked about 22km a day and that's pretty much on the low side. Just for dinner alone, it could be a 8km walk - to and fro of coz. But with such lovely weather, one can only walk and walk non-stop without feeling tired.
Monkey walked and walked and walked leaving JS behind. Oh well it isn't like I'm alwiz leaving him behind. There are also times when he left me way way behind eating his dusts. Just bcoz he's the one with the camera so the evidence collected here on this blog are from his very own perspective.
So u can see that the Fourviere Hill is really a hill, going down isn't a problem....but coming back is kekekeke. Sometimes I rather use the road than stairs like this. Bcoz I can't skip nor hop on stairs. There's no fun innit.
usually our journey to somewhere wherever takes longer....bcoz when on vacation u shouldn't be rushing for time. We tend to stop every now and then to smell the roses. Oh well there isn't roses in Autumn so in this case the clear crisp fresh cool air.
When we looked back, Fourviere Hill isn't that high. The Basilica perched at the top commanding such a full view and it looked so small!!!!! we spotted our villa hotel as well. All the buildings on this side of the hill are UNESCO sites and the buildings can't be destroyed and modifications are subject to approvals.

The large Place Bellecour
It is the largest pedestrian square in Europe!!!!
So u pretty much can hop and skip all u want here.
JS: "Monkey where are we going?"
Monkey: "Just follow me....and u will not be disappointed."
Since I was a lil gal, Monkey lurve to wander her own voyager...her mission: to explore everything and everything even if it means strange new worlds to seek our new eats and new boldly go where no man has gone before...ceh!!! copied fr Star Trek.
anyway before any digital navigation technologies were available, she already has a built-in GPS in her Monkey brain. I lurve to memorise maps then navigate myself through it. It's like the maze game :))) even JS finds her so amazing to wander around like she's been there many times.
but sometimes...there were hits and misses.
And when that do happen, he will have the luxury to tease and laugh at monkey for weeks.....even months actually. Example walking into a non-Kikunoi restaurant in Kyoto and demand for her table, with full confidence to the dismay of the yukata clad waiting staff that looked like Takashi Kaneshiro. I guess he was the magnet that I went into the wrong restaurant!!!!

the buildings around here are pretty much belle epoque.
Sometimes I wondered, why oh why didn't I do arts and architecture. But I guess everything happened for many reasons. prollie at my tender age, my passion for it weren't at great length and depth. It's a different story altogether now.
Shooooo everyone!!! the Place des Jacobins fountain is mine!!!!!
This square was created in 1556....yea it's that old already. and the fountain was only added 300 years later in 1856.

The Saone River overlooking the beautiful Fourviere Hill. Again, I was straining my eyes locating our villa hotel. There's also a boat cruise if you are interested.
The very same pedestrian bridge that we took in the morning to cross over. At the top is the Basilica with the mini eiffel tower - telco tower actually...hehehehe. And then I saw our hotel, in its striking peach color :))))))
enjoying some sodas :)))) coca tell me who doesn't like this fizzy drinks? Such a thirst quencher, apart from aperitifs, rose wines and champagnes :))))) We sat here for quite some time, discussing world issues *again* kekekeke. It's really nice to take our own time to see any city, especially when you have all day, with no appointments and schedules to rush through.
an old ruins at the back of St. Jean Cathedral. This was the original part with its arch still standing. Today it's a lil square for locals to hang out with their cute doggies. So becareful of dogs poo poo whenever u are here.
On sunny days like this, we lurve to take long strolls along narrow streets, looking for some nice cafe or brasserie or bouchons. Yes everywhere u walk to in Lyon, there's bouchons left and right. Apparently the origin of this word is cork. And yes every bouchons have their own wine list and u can have degustation by the glasses, with traditional lyonnaise cuisine. I will blog about bouchons in a separate posting.
my dearest travel partner in crime, who's now travelling in Japan this week without me :((
Yeah only him whom can entertain all my silliness, horrible singing and adventures coz I don't think I could find anyone else who would love arts and architecture as much as I do. Not to mention food and wines. And for sure, I'm the only gal he could find on Planet Earth whom can walk an average of 22km a day with no complaints.
And stood with patience alongside him, carrying all his photography gadgets as he waited for the perfect magic lights to happen when the sun rises or sets. I think more like when the sun sets...coz for all his sunrise pics, I just can't wake up at 5.30am to do setup with him. It's too cold and the bed is glued to me.
I like it here when many streets are pedestrians friendly, U can walk your child and dogs. EeeeRrr do u call "walk ur child?"
The beautiful city hally at Place Terreaux and there's another famous fountain here, just couldn't locate its pics from the thousands and thousands of pics in the harddisk.
the most prominent building in this square is the must visit Museum of Fine Arts Lyon or better known as Musee des Beaux arts Lyon. Our must to do list :))))
Located in an old convent, the main entrance to the museum isn't like wat you expected...the 17th century building has been restored really well for this purpose, after all it's used to house some of the most treasured and expensive art pieces.
After the narrow arch entrance, visitors are welcomed with beautiful afternoon lights and a mini fountain in the middle. This park in the museum is also open to public, you don't need a ticket to come here. Locals are seen spending their lazy afternoon, having lunch or just here to enjoy the calm and serene environment.
I was bz counting the fallen yellow autumn leaves....I don't know why, but I do weird things like this.
while JS was entranced in his lights and shadows photography.
Once in, we spent hours and hours exploring and analysing all the works here. Musee des beaux arts are known for its collection of paintings. I love counting could be as silly as counting the apostles inside the painting. Don't know why I lurve to do that. Must be from endless years of doing stock take in my previous job and no, I wasn't an auditor anyway.
the important piece here is at the back of me....Crucifixion by Simon Vouet. Very well known artist whom introduced Italian baroque paintings into France.
I saw there dazed shifting my ass on the circular cushioned bench as I moved from pieces to pieces.
Monkey: "Why are his strokes so prominent like this?"
JS: "His styles are distinctively italian....don't u remember how italians are so expressive....u know they way they speak." and mimicked italians with his strong hands gestures and movements.
Monkey luffed out loud and her laughter echoed through the empty halls.
Monkey: "Oh no...this one is so horrible!!! the perspective is incorrect!!! how could the boobs be like this on the upper chest!!!! it's like tumour on the chest, don't tell me ancient ppl have got distorted breasts??"
JS: "'s art my dear....." and heaved a big sigh...I guessed he got rest-less answering my unconventional questions. So u see, I'm not such a pleasant traveller, there's alwiz too many questions and curiosity. So if you are not ready for me, you will never be. :)))
Now now...this one is interesting....sabbath, celebrated by christians and jewish.
"Yeah wat??? gimme a moment. I need more time, please help urself around here."
JS -_-"
And soon we moved from halls to halls, with a changed of centuries to my favourite Impressionism. I was just speechless staring at Renoir, and the significant beautiful ballerinas by Edward Degas, some prized ones by Van Gogh, more of Cezanne and Gaugain before heading to modern arts - of funky pieces by Picasso and the die die must see Medusa by Jawlensky, a russian expressionist painter.
*pic stolen fr the web*
When I was standing in front of Medusa....Monkey tilted her head and asked:
"Why izzit so tiny? just like Mona Lisa by LDV?"
I guessed I asked so many questions that only the curator of the museum would be able to furnish my hunger for infos. To book a tour and a walk-through with all these stunning pieces, you may enquire in advance at the concierge.
When I was standing in front of Medusa....Monkey tilted her head and asked:
"Why izzit so tiny? just like Mona Lisa by LDV?"
I guessed I asked so many questions that only the curator of the museum would be able to furnish my hunger for infos. To book a tour and a walk-through with all these stunning pieces, you may enquire in advance at the concierge.
There!!! now I found a picture of the said fountain at this square. This pic was taken from one of the higher levels of the very same museum.
we spent so many hours and by the time we came out, the sun was shining low and the temperature dropped further.
again, JS waited for his magic light moment to happen to capture watever he has in his mind, while Monkey continued staring at more works of arts, sculptures and statues at this park.
Soon dusk fell and Sun bid goodbye for the day, see u tmrw. Lights around the city of Lyon lite up in stretches, bouchons soon arranged all their al-fresco tables and chairs. And the city turned into a different beat when Lyonnaisse come out for their most sacred meal of the day - dinner.
So this is like kinda of our itinerary in most of our travels....slow, easy, relaxing. Isn't this wat vacation is all about? :))) The Joy of discovery.
Hi, can you blog about the different type of shoes you wear when travelling? Need to look for good walking shoes! Thanks!
Happy New Year Sara. Different types of shoes...hmmm...Okie I'll try to do one soon dedicated just for you. :)
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