Beautiful exquisite delectable pastries on display, inside the dome glass. Nope those are real and none plastic food like you thought it is. La Patisserie des Reves is the brainchild of Philippe Conticini and Thiery Teyssier. The very first patisserie is located at the left bank in Paris on one of our favourite street - Rue de Bac.
We lurve lurve the left bank for its quaint furniture shops, museums, art galleries and art shops where I can buy the entire lifetime of paint and canvas products and oh my all the beautiful brushes. And of coz, we lurve the awesome Le Bon Marche which has been revamped to such an amazing departmental store, especially its foodhall after it has been purchased by none other than the LVMH group.
So enuff of Rue de Bac, the important address on the left bank. We first discovered La Patisseries des Reves in Japan instead of Paris...hahaha that's rather ironic. I guess Paris is just so infatuated with too many patisseries sometimes u just don't know where to start.
La Patisserie des Reves has 2 outlets in Japan, namely Kyoto and Osaka. Monkey told JS that no matter how full and ridiculously huge our tummies are....we gotta make a pit stop at this patisserie in Kyoto.

*pic taken from the Web*
both the founders have an outstanding track record, from theatrical, PR, events and of coz high level of skills in fine cuisine. Their objective was to evoke every patrons childhood experience of their signature pastries. So u won't have anything too out of the box here. This is wat we wanted, nothing too fancy, just pure serious pastries with high technicality. They may looked simple but trust me, when u taste it, u'll know :)))
both the founders have an outstanding track record, from theatrical, PR, events and of coz high level of skills in fine cuisine. Their objective was to evoke every patrons childhood experience of their signature pastries. So u won't have anything too out of the box here. This is wat we wanted, nothing too fancy, just pure serious pastries with high technicality. They may looked simple but trust me, when u taste it, u'll know :)))
even a pure traditional Mont Blanc is so fine, it actually makes u wanna cry~~~~

*pic taken from the web*
Seasonal tart has such a beautiful balanced taste of acidity, sweetness and richness fr its butter. And it looked so minimalist!!!! Less is more, this I have to agree.
Seasonal tart has such a beautiful balanced taste of acidity, sweetness and richness fr its butter. And it looked so minimalist!!!! Less is more, this I have to agree.
*pic taken fr the web*
The choux pastry are all very good it makes u wanna try everything under its dome glass. Again the balance in taste, its texture...such finesse can only be achieved through highly skilled pastry chefs.
*pic from the web*
The signature Saint Honore, with velvety smooth vanilla cream, extremely flaky pastry, dipped in caramel to give it the glossy almost like precious stones look. Oh so beautiful~~~ how do u even begin? I couldn't.....
The signature Saint Honore, with velvety smooth vanilla cream, extremely flaky pastry, dipped in caramel to give it the glossy almost like precious stones look. Oh so beautiful~~~ how do u even begin? I couldn't.....
Finally my very own pic, one and only....
all of my readers knew I'm not a sweets nor pastry person...there got to be something else that drew my attention's their special green tea latte. Oh my....the aroma of rich frothy milk with fragrant green tea. It's better than the usual latte.
This outlet is located at the historical UNESCO stretch Kodai-ji. U will not miss it if you are doing the must-do walk from Kiyumizu-dera down to the famed Kodai-ji temple.
it's a great pit stop to re-charge ur energy, mind, soul and tummy hehehehe.
For more readings, visit their website:
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