One word to summarize my 2015. It's been rocking amazing!!!
Okie I cheated....that's 2 words...but to limit myself to just a word to describe this amazing year is just ain't enuff. Sorry I can't!!! LOL I guess from the above pic, u can gather I really did have a good year :)))) This is gonna be quite a long post with loads of pics so sit back and enjoy, just as much as I did blogging bout it :)))
started the year with Baby Wei's wedding in January, she looked so so lovely and as we speak Baby Wei will be expecting her first child next May. Congratulations and words can't describe how happy we are for both of you :))))
It was also in January that JS, Monkey & Hobbits travelled to the West Coast of Japan to experience the fluffy white snow and the annual winter light up at Shirakawago. JS also made his very first video from this trip. Click *here* to review the posting and our trip
I felt really welcomed and privileged as my future boss *now my boss* introduced me to the guests. It was quite a big surprise to the industry as I've been a piece of furniture after 9 long years in my previous industry. Kekekeke
Yo stand up Monkey to all the familiar faces in the banquet hall. and take ur gracious bow to the 100 lovely guests who have been working with you :)))
Never would I've imagined...Monkey had been saying that she'll kill for that job each and every time when she's being attended by some PR person at the maison and chateaux she's visiting. And right now I don't have to kill for it, I have that one person to thank to for connecting me to this career. You know who you are Babe :))) Thank you so much again for this opportunity and I am grateful for it

Okie I cheated....that's 2 words...but to limit myself to just a word to describe this amazing year is just ain't enuff. Sorry I can't!!! LOL I guess from the above pic, u can gather I really did have a good year :)))) This is gonna be quite a long post with loads of pics so sit back and enjoy, just as much as I did blogging bout it :)))
started the year with Baby Wei's wedding in January, she looked so so lovely and as we speak Baby Wei will be expecting her first child next May. Congratulations and words can't describe how happy we are for both of you :))))
It was also in January that JS, Monkey & Hobbits travelled to the West Coast of Japan to experience the fluffy white snow and the annual winter light up at Shirakawago. JS also made his very first video from this trip. Click *here* to review the posting and our trip
The world's greatest sushi was in our to do list for quite a while and it finally got realized. Am so blessed so *click here to read about it* also a really zen tea ceremony experience by the owner of Beniya Mukayu *click here* we have promised him that we will be back.
and Monkey rushed back from Japan to attend the unexpected Chinese New Year luncheon with media by my future employer. Everything happened too fast as I've just signed the dotted line 2 weeks earlier. I was still with my previous company then so big thank you to Chris da Boss for being so understanding and allowed me to attend this anyway. He has got the biggest heart ever!!!I felt really welcomed and privileged as my future boss *now my boss* introduced me to the guests. It was quite a big surprise to the industry as I've been a piece of furniture after 9 long years in my previous industry. Kekekeke
Yo stand up Monkey to all the familiar faces in the banquet hall. and take ur gracious bow to the 100 lovely guests who have been working with you :)))
Never would I've imagined...Monkey had been saying that she'll kill for that job each and every time when she's being attended by some PR person at the maison and chateaux she's visiting. And right now I don't have to kill for it, I have that one person to thank to for connecting me to this career. You know who you are Babe :))) Thank you so much again for this opportunity and I am grateful for it
I was really proud to be joining this amazing team and still very very proud of each and every of the team members. They brought with them impeccable working experiences, styles, personalities, ideas and they are like my family now. Yes it's mostly men...92% of them hahahaha.
the other bright side is, I'll still be working with my beloved media friends whom I've forged close friendship with over the past years. Such lovely bunch of people :)))
the other bright side is, I'll still be working with my beloved media friends whom I've forged close friendship with over the past years. Such lovely bunch of people :)))
as for my old team, it was really difficult to depart. I've just told them to imagine that I'm on a really long vacation so the loss won't be felt. My ex boss still take a moment to look at my desk every morning as he greeted the team, I know it's heart wrenching but since our buildings are just across the road *hua hua hua* catching up ain't that difficult. Am so blessed to be invited for every gathering every birthdays and christmas gifts exchange, which we've been practicing for as long as long as I could remember. CORUM has been amazing brand and company which built my foundation. I owe my success to each and every member in Malaysia, Asia and Switzerland. Thank you guys!!!
the new career also brought me to other bloggers who have been in the scene for quite some time now. For they are the experts when it comes to food. Meeting them in person is sure surreal and yes Hello I am Notti Monkey. The very same one.

They are such happy group of people :))) made my job so colorful and fun with their knowledge, laughters and experiences. Thank you for your support throughout 2015. Love u guys heaps!!!
Monkey was selected for the Talent Development Programme *thank you my both bosses* and yes joining LVMH group is really huge affair for anyone for it is still the world leader in the luxury brands. I do admire all the other works done by the group in order to preserve and sustain the environment, as we don't only innovate new products but we build the future of all our brands uphold great history, craftmanship, innovation and tradition. :))))
*pic courtesy of Isaac Tan*
the career also allows me access to notable personalities, from estate director to winemakers to oenologists, they spoke with passion of the business, the products, the processes and of the future. So much to learn and I've been absorbing like a sponge bob with the square pants *I hope*....i really do and much thanks to all my fellow colleagues and bosses for their guidances and leadership. With your support I will continue my momentum with more excellent results and dedication.
Okie never been posted on this blog before.....this was part of our graduation performance in March. I was the gal in the centre pole with my partner in crime Ann. *Read about the entire recital here*
Eric C taking his bow after all his models has gone back stage.
Who's that gal? Get out!!! u are stealing my moment!!!!
LOL nah, just kidding, obviously he didn't say that!!!

I was wearing Eric C's creation and Wenda the #drugqueen was the one who helped me to get the beautiful bouquet of flowers
I guess it has become a fetish now to haul food stuffs from every country that we visit. Esp those limited items which U can't get but only by country specific. Oh well that includes leather goods too. We area suckers for the word limited.
We had a short trip to Japan in July just for gastronomy experiences and tried some really awesome amazing food from Icho to Hotaro Honten and the 3 michelin starred Hajime which is highly recommended for his creation of "Chikyu" but sorry no pics nor blog posting bcoz no pics allowed. But the highlight was the visit to Himeji castle the one and only long standing and surviving castle in Japan at its original form. *read about it here*
We had a short trip to Japan in July just for gastronomy experiences and tried some really awesome amazing food from Icho to Hotaro Honten and the 3 michelin starred Hajime which is highly recommended for his creation of "Chikyu" but sorry no pics nor blog posting bcoz no pics allowed. But the highlight was the visit to Himeji castle the one and only long standing and surviving castle in Japan at its original form. *read about it here*
Datuk Gordon and his bottle of Hennessy XO
then once back from Japan, off to Kota Kinabalu for the Prestige KK Ball. Sabahans are really gracious and warm ppl *not that I don't know hehehehe for JS and his beautiful family is one* They sure know how to rawk a ball and instead of being host we felt like we were being hosted in their beautiful state. Even after the earthquake tragedy that occurred 2 months earlier.
August came and the gang went off to Tokyo for another round of gastronomy adventure. We wanted an equal mix of fine dining, michelin starred dining and street dining!!! here we were so privileged to be brought out by Cilantro's Executive Chef Takashi Kimura and his beautiful wife Yuko *she can drink and out beat all the guys on this table* We had so much great fun eating and be merry for a few days before our gruesome climb to Mount Fuji.
J&J James: "OMG why are we doing this? Torturing ourselves!!!!"
Uncle James we are doin it bcoz of you....we were the victims of your dream. KEKEKEKE but thank you!!!! Bcoz of you we did it!!!! bcoz of your crazy dreams and aspirations, we all did it :))) Thank you!!!
It's one of my great achievement for 2015!!! Read about it *here*
It's one of my great achievement for 2015!!! Read about it *here*

After the gruesome hike and descend as I sat inside the onsen with Hobbits who luckily did not follow bcoz the weather was torturous!!! I was asking myself, would I do it again? I'm not too sure, maybe if the weather was more kind.
and as alwiz, Monkey rushed back for the event of the year for our major brand Hennessy. You wouldn't wanna know how I've worked across the globe with my mobile phone even on top of Mount Fuji - thanks to their wifi coverage at every single nooks and corners of the mountain.
and as alwiz, Monkey rushed back for the event of the year for our major brand Hennessy. You wouldn't wanna know how I've worked across the globe with my mobile phone even on top of Mount Fuji - thanks to their wifi coverage at every single nooks and corners of the mountain.
Hennessy X.O Appreciation Grows was another great success - it was a 6 days 6 nites event!!! On the last day of the event, Monkey & JS were off again to France.
Hello from Paris!!!! JS won't do selfie and this was the best he could.
I've got to spend time with all the art pieces I wanna visit. In 2014, we did a Vincent Van Gogh trail and for 2015, due to lack of planning from my end there were no theme. My bad my bad....most of my time was dedicated to work. If you've noticed by now, my blog postings have been so sparingly uploaded....Gosh.
This year we travelled down south to Montpellier first then to Carcassonne a medieval city which was so so Games of Thrones!!!
Then hiked up to Peyrepertuse Castle
I guess after Mount Fuji this was child's play..... then off to Bordeaux to visit a few wineries. Seen here is Chateau Cheval Blanc - very modern and LVMH thought of every aspect from winemaking to the environment. It's a symbiosis relationship.
I guess after Mount Fuji this was child's play..... then off to Bordeaux to visit a few wineries. Seen here is Chateau Cheval Blanc - very modern and LVMH thought of every aspect from winemaking to the environment. It's a symbiosis relationship.

and finally the crown jewel of LVMH group - Chateau d'Yquem being the oldest brand in the entire portfolio *since the 16th century*. Such a beautiful castle and it is the vacation home of the Chairman and CEO Mr. Bernard Arnault.

2015 vs 2014
just a thought as we walked passed this glass mirror outside a jewelry and timepieces boutique....we took a pic for comparison as it was the same date :P what a coincidence. So from the dressing u can gather that last year was a warmer year in Paris.
oh I've also gotten a X-pole at home for practice but not much of practice anyway. I guess out of 12 months this year, I've only attended classes for 4 months LOL!!! this is not good I totally acknowledged this. Let's hope for better time schedule and planning in 2016.
2015 vs 2014
just a thought as we walked passed this glass mirror outside a jewelry and timepieces boutique....we took a pic for comparison as it was the same date :P what a coincidence. So from the dressing u can gather that last year was a warmer year in Paris.
Yes there's too many pending posts to update here.
Wishing all my readers a Happy New Year and may 2016 be another smashing one for you!! We are looking forward to it :)))