Monday, March 17, 2008

Shu Uemura presenting Melinda Looi

Uemura was a japanese makeup legend,
and Hollywood's fav makeup artist.
he died late last year in December :(

I don't understand the force behind his products,
it's supposed to be palettes and colors.
palettes and colors....palettes and colors.

But all ppl knew was the must have eye lash curlers,
*it was even mentioned in The Devil wears Prada*
and all those beautiful-sexay-super-long-till-u-can't-open-your-eyes-lashes!!!!

so the nite was filled with nothing but glitz, glamour and lashes *of coz*
and yep celebrity journalist Kee came with diamond studded lashes.

blinked once then twice at me...and continously blinking till the diamonds can almost fly!!!
Oh plssssss...I swear this will be the 1st and last time I've seen a MAN wearing fake lashes.
*I was wrong, I'll be seeing that for the next 7 days -_-*
Celebrity stylist StevenSunny all decked in black *wow* & Monkey in Armani
He's alwiz in white,
and now....
what a surprise.

I still owe u lunch dearie,
one huge one!!!
Mel's creations are alwiz so autumn-ish
materials = mostly chiffons *ooOoooo my fav!!!!*
it's so fairy-tale cum wonderland!!!
I lurve all of it incl the colors...

"What colors? It's all white!!!"
"Apalar u.........sigh."
strong colors with different texture
Mel lurves patchwork too,
but I don't
this black dress was a reflection of her creation back in 2006

Read about Mel's show back in 06 here
the final walk showcasing the collection of the nite
her star dress
it is so wedding-like with a long train.
Tributes to StevenSunny and the team
Absolutely nice blond hair,
I wonder how did he manage???
the famous hairstylist Albert Nico
*the cute one on your left*

Visit his saloon at Ground floor KL Plaza.
by appointment.
Melinda Looi!!!!
in her patchwork dress...
she's so cute and tiny!!!!
and 8 months preggy,
the 1st son was soooooooo darn adorable with blue eyes.
well when your hubby has blue eyes & blond hair....everything is adorable...hahahah
Pic stolen fr The Star
Mel accidentally fell down after receiving her bouquet fr Her Majesty Queen *in blue*
there was a moment of silence.....before Mel signaled to the crowd that she's OK.
and then it's PARTAY time!!!!
every nite the designer-of-the-nite will also style and decorate the partay area,
according to their theme...
surrealist party is sure fun
his pants was shouting for attention.
looked like roadworks to me!!!!
Food was by Senses Hilton (???)
*Sorry if I got it wrong, 7 days of partying gonna kill me*

I like the "palette" glass plate with a wine glass holder
*I didn't take wine, I hated their wines*
and so comfy to hold around, just like a painter's palate.
Me & secret editor who-got-screamed-at

came complaining to me,
"That woman screamed and shouted at me. Doesn't she know who am I? I'm gonna write bout this EVENT u know!!!!"
"Calm down dearie, which dumb woman?"

"That one with the black boots!!!!!! *Growling*"
"OH my gawd!!! Pls forgive her, she's too stressed up with this whole thing. I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

*DIGI DIGI, what have u done!!!! Hai......*

"Come have some Mumms' champagne *yucks*. It will keep u happy all nite long"
OK sign?
Is that supposed to be OK?

Anyway Mel's show was the 1st nite...
still so many more nites to go.

my poor feet,
my liver,
my health,
my sleep,
and my baby at home.


  1. It's palette dear....

    Palate = roof of your mouth

    Quick change it before Nee Lee sees it and declares it malu-fying!


  2. GAH!!!!!!
    after 2 nites of alcos, I'm dead with my writing.

    5 more days to go!!!!!

    Thanks Joo :)))
