Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Durian Runtuh!!!

best thing in life is...
when u are home,
after a nice/sucky/tiring/full of nuisance day...
a yummy-scrumpy-licious meal on the table.
dinner with this baby would be a bonus as well....hehehehehe
Montrachet is one of the world finest vineyards.
Lurve it!!!
so minerally.
*gah!!! don't spoil me anymore!!*
crackling pork with onion relish
why durian runtuh??
coz JS only makes crackling porkie once a year.
it's such a hassle to make with all the confiting, crackling it and washing the damn oven at the end of the day.
the best part - its crackling crunchylicious skin
so I was wondering, can I have it like more than once a year at home???
pleassseeeeeeeeeeeeee *wink wink, double wink*

Thanks to Lawrence's recipe,
JS's sifu..

If JS = good cook
Lawrence = JS's sifu
Lawrence's food = ????
*go figure, it can blow your mind*

aaaaaaahhh, I missed feasting at his place.
and JS is flying down south to makan with Lawrence tonite.
jealous jealous jealous!!!!
Domenico pasta
I have to admit, this Mr. JS is a mozart in the kitchen...
he went to Domenico in Hong Kong and ate this pasta ONCE,
came back and did the same thing with the same taste, same texture.

"How do u know wat ingredients to put in there????"
"hehehhehe, hahahahha."

Domenico pasta takes waaaayyy to much effort to make,
bake the prawns, make the stock, this that this that.
and drive thru to Fukuya to buy japanese prawns.
that's a japanese restaurant not supermarket dear....
*what to do, like sifu like student*

and on another note,
scary head gears with dresses inspired from Shanghai
note: the mandarin collar on the dresses.

yes Monkey attended Les Nuits Shanghai by Michael Ong.
very very couture dresses
and I'll definitely go to him when I need exaggerating dresses.
I didn't snap much pics though,
why am I working so hard updating bout KL Fashion Festival,
when its own website can't even update on its own,
nor any other media post as many pics as I did

so bottom line,
I don't wanna be a bummer!!!
I'll snap whichever dress I lurve like this one!!!!
absolutely stylish and shouts "I have arrived!!!!"

You'll need 2x super powered fans to blow it to look this gorgeous!!!!

conclusion: absolutely stunning dresses minus the headgears. Well maybe I don't appreciate headgears. Applause to Michael Ong. The last dress took my breath away.

Michael Ong receiving his bouquet fr Dato Dr Ny Yen Yen
who no longer speaks bout economics, expenditures, poverty...

diabetes, health level, cancer, etc
*go figure why*

Read about her other role as GOH *here*
Oreo Nij trying to pout like ms jolie, Alex da Martian pretending to be Mr. Pitt
and to both of u who worked like super hard for this festival,
my standing ovation to u.
*clap clap clap clap clap clap clap*
the unsung heroes.
yes smile...more like it....
Looking forward to our "bon fire" party,
pls somebody anybody but not me....
make arrangements for that.

and lemme know how many crates of
no...not beer nor liquor...
how many crates of kerosene, gasoline, propane gas burners u need.
we gonna have an awesome bon fire party at Bukit Bintang.
*and have the bomba on standby*

Don't over work yourself ya...
save all the energy for the nite when I'm hosting.


  1. wah, super hard working timing eh? yeah, KL fashion week should pay you for the 'media coverage' too..heheh

  2. Kindy Chai: Ya man. I skipped 2 nites out of exhaustion. I dunno how some ppl can party every nite. Confirmed old liao. :P
