Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I want my breakie!!!

If only there's San Francisco Coffee *SFC* near my office,
If only I can go down and grab my fav latte
and all the yummy pastries and cakes.

but I'm only drinking milky coffee fr the green brand.
with a sourish after taste.

and we've renewed our tenancy agreement for another 2 more years,
means more coffee fr Mr. Schultz & no SFC for me,
and most of all goodbye my future office.
*which I've envisioned beautifully*
turkey ham & egg & croissant
my typical breakfast.

I can have this everyday,
but since I can't and I don't wanna buy anything else yuckier fr the green brand...
I only have this croissant during the weekends.
JS alwiz settled for either club sandwich *above*
or vegetarian sandwich with grilled eggplants, sun dried tomatoes, feta cheese, olives.
ooOOooo that's another fav of mine.
Egg codler with toasted thick bread.
If they use brie bread would be great!!! *pokai man*

I'm so hungry now after looking at the pics...
but most of all,
I'm craving for this....

Nevermind, tomorrow is a holiday
*prophet muhammed's b-day, haaaapppppy biiiirtttthhhdaaay to u and we shall party till dawn tonite!!!*
I can have my usual "weekend" breakfast.

If only I can wake up after tonite.
If only they still serve egg coddler at 3pm.
if only........

GAH!!! wat am I doin?
my mission tonite is simple
entertain all my 450 guests
if all of them turn up.

I dread the part where I have to be the last the go home
*maybe it's Oreo Nij & Alex the Martian after all*

after the food runs dry and the no more poppping sounds fr champagne bottles.
and the DJ play no more fr his records.

and I'm sooooooo gonna miss BMW Formula One bash tonite.
what I thinking???

Come to my party!!!!
don't go to BMW OKAY!!!!

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