Friday, September 21, 2007

Fukuya, Jalan Delima KL

1st visit read bout it *here*
2nd visit read bout it *here*
3rd visit read bout it *here*

Last Friday,
I made reservation for 7.30pm,
the boys reached at 6.30pm.

cos they were hungry and wanna eat maam-maam,
after a day of golf and shopping.

and I had to work like a mad woman,
rushed thru my meetings,
met a few ppl fr a fashion magazine,
serviced my clients,
skipped to Ritz Carlton to buy chocolates for Prince C....
and drove home to pick up a bottle of champagne!!!!

and they kept texting me on my mobile.
"When are u reaching? where are u?"

and it's not even 6.45pm,
I sampai-ed at 7.20pm.
JS & Prince C
Pls understand that I am not taukeh like both of u,
with nothing else to do.

I had to cari makan,
otherwise who will sponsor my expenses????
my first starter complimentary fr Chef Ando,
it was good and yummy....
and nobody dare to tell me wat meat it was...

Until monkey was safely home and rubbing her stomach,
that JS said....
"It's HORSE meat!!!!"
"WTF!!!!!! U could have told me there!!!"
"I didn't want u to cause a commotion in front of chef."
"but....but.....but........*eyes breaming with tears*. Nvm it's tasty anyway."
Next was fish liver,
which I passed on to Prince C.
JS brought Chateauneuf du Pape,
fr the Rhone Valley,
very Italian style....must be the weather and soil.

Even Chef Ando was impressed with it tasting notes.
My aji fish
by this time, the boys already having their fried rice...
when u are having carbo for jap meal...
means u are quite done, almost the end of the meal.
another appetizer.
so after all the appetizer for me and full course for the boys,
they were still hungry

Then I to ordered my dinner.....
Chef Ando informed that chestnut is in season.
first time seeing a chestnut fr its shell.
It's beautiful!!!
then came my soup served on a teapot.
the lime gave the taste some lift....very good.
loaded with japanese mushrooms...
after the dinner, Chef Ando showed me the real thing and said:
"It's very expensive.....japanese truffles!!"
*can't see in the pic*
then my sashimi with torro
and guess wat, the boys were stealing my food!!!!
no wonder I am so slim *ahem*
grilled salmon in foamy egg white with sweet jap corn
and of coz salmon ROE!!!!!
grilled egg plant in miso sauce
i lurve egg plant...or is it aubergine?
wat's the difference anyway???
champagne + red
drinking, eating and be merry....
that's wat I do every Friday to reward a busy week.
pan seared wagyu beef in some garlic sauce...
juicy yo!!!!
since I can't decide whether to have the sweet japanese strawberries
or WASABI ice cream...
Chef Ando arranged for both!!!
tired & happy monkey

so today is Friday again,
where to eat? what to eat?
I really don't know.

I am so predictable,
if u wanna kidnap me on friday...
U'll know where to go.

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