Monday, February 04, 2013

Waxed Meat Rice aka Lap Mei Fan

Kilos and Kilos of packed waxed meat from the famous Yung Kee Restaurant, Hong Kong
In case u didn't get the sense of size....this was my 30kg samsonite bag -_-
all packed to the brim with goose liver and pork sausages. Plus some weird looking meat and waxed duck. Available only for a few months in winter time, it's a delicacy and must have for every CNY.

This time around, JS got so many orders from his family and friends that we lugged home all the way...hehehehehe. I've never bought waxed meat by the kilos and by the thousands of dollars. Yup this place ain't cheap but it's sooooo goooooodddd~~~~~

JS bought a japanese claypot for the purpose of cooking a waxed meat claypot rice
So he begin with frying the sausages
yeah the 2 of us ate 4 pork sausages and 2 goose liver ones...

Then remove the sausages fr the heat....u can see it has rendered a lot of oil..
so scoop out what u don't need fr the claypot, and use the remainder oil to stir fry the rice..
yes as in grains/raw rice.

hmmm there's a bottle of sake...I didn't know wat which step he added sake in....
sorry readers...I wasn't paying attention when JS was cooking >.<

Next add some water and cook the rice in the claypot for...
errrr I dunno how many minutes actually..
Mr. JS can u please leave a comment below on:
1) when did u add in the Sake?
2) how long to cook the rice in its claypot?

After cooking the rice for XX number of minutes which will soon be answered by JS, throw in the coriander roots/stems...nope those are not spring onions but coriander.
The coriander give it a green taste to cut off the fattiness in this dish
splash some good quality soya sauce on top as well....

stir and mix well....throw in the coriander leaves...put the lid on and cover for a few minutes.
To infuse everything together...

by the time u reopened it...the coriander leaves have wilted
and it's time to eat...hua hua hua

and of coz...if u wanna have table manners, u slice the sausages into pieces like the above to serve, but for the best impact, taste, bite and experience...u eat the sausages whole and uncut.
the beauty of Yung Kee's sausages are......when u sink your teeth and bite into its crunchy casing, the fats and juice will burst out...soon the aroma of chinese wines and waxed meat coat your mouth.

if the above is just too much trouble for u.....just steam the sausages and eat with plain white rice..
hahahaha that would be my way...coz I dunno how to cook :P

JS had been cooking lap mei fun for the past few years this way..
for the very first posting back in 2008 of this dish *click here* to read about it

Chinese New Year is just a few days away...
are u feeling it?
I don't know...only my stomachssSsssss are feeling it coz Monkey is so busy


  1. The sake was added before you add water. It's boiled off so no alcohol nice remains. This gives the rice some sweetness.
    As for how long to boil the rice, it's more the technique and not the time required. Anybody need lessons? :)))

  2. Salute to you both for lugging that back here!! I m also surprise you pass through custom?? ;)

    Gorgeous recipe of the waxed meat rice... I was literally drooling all over my keyboard... especially with goose liver sausage!

    JS: I would definately need your expertise in how to boil the rice.. :)

  3. Hye food dreams. I shall try to describe in bullet points.
    1. Ensure water level is as deep as your palm laid flat on the rid.
    2. With the lid ajar, Boil on mid to high flame until water level is about 1 cm below the rice. you need to prod the rice to find out.
    3. Once you achieve the water level, then lower the heat to very very low and cover the lid.
    4. Dump in the sausages before 3 above.
    5. Let it slower simmer until no more steam emerge from e lid(or lid hole).
    6. Continue for another 10 minutes or so. Your rice Shld be really fluffy by now.
    Good luck.

  4. oo... thank you JS!! what a precision... looking forward to trying this...
