Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Hot Pot at Chan Lu's Residence

Baby Caleb the big boss at home hahahahaha
He's such an adorable 6 months old boy and it was our first meeting...

"Hello cutie pie...now learn to call me pretty jie jie.....quick!!!"
Chan Lu the mommy -_-"

We were invited by dearest Chan Lu at her home for a scrumptious home cooked hot pot. When it comes to hot pot or steamboat, everyone wants to contribute some food over. So some coordination is alwiz needed. We DID coordinated....somehow missing certain item like Fu Chuk aka chinese beancurd.

As Monkey was packing all the essentials and necessary from Spicy homemade chili sauce to japanese goma sauce to fresh greens, beefs, sliced pork belly and a homemade dessert.....JS asked a really silly question....
"DO u want me to bring some pasta over??? I can whip up an olio aglio at the end of the meal?"
He gave me such a sweet-melt-my-heart smile

Monkey O.O
"U don't mess at ppl's kitchen OK? Tonite u just sit and eat...no cooking and don't mess with the theme of HOT POT...it's chinese!!! not italian my love."

I guess it wasn't easy for him goin to a home for dinner and NOT COOKING

hahahahah...oh baby u got to get used to that or the host/hostess would be so angry and mad.

soon all the pretty jie jies were bz dunking in fresh crab meat, seafood and more meat into the hot pot. Chan Lu made such excellent broth from daikon and chicken....it was clear and sweet with such wholesome goodness....everyone were slurping till the last drop. Ass Kickin Vonne was almost licking the hotpot while washing them.

Don't burn ur tongue!!!!!

Bubbling hot!!!
Chan Lu also prepared some fried garlic in garlic oil....we gave no mercy to that bowl of yummy garlic....one big bowl was almost gone in our 2 hours of hot spot session. Thrown into it fr time to time to elevate the flavour of the broth.

thinly sliced Aussie grain fed beef was so yummy.....
don't know why beef alwiz taste better than pork....that reminded me JS made a hamburger partay for my roomies last month and I have yet to blog about it :P
Okie okie coming soon, akan datang :):):)

From time to time we decided to do vegetarian and all the greens went in.
We can't remember how many rounds were there....but every single morsel/piece of food were GONE!!!!! woohoooo~~~~ what an achievement :D:D:D

We must not have any leftovers!!!!
Chan Lu won't let us have any leftovers at her home...as she's relocating to Hong Kong so the fridge must be CLEANED and CLEARED ASAP.

Baby Caleb is gonna be a Hongkie baby soon hahahahaha. So he must learn some cantonese.....missing him already :(((((

Monkey made a dessert called Eton Mess
okie will blog about it soon with recipe....as this was part of my 2013 Resolutions Project
It's simple and very pretty looking...oh well by now u should have known I will only attempt easy stuffs :P

Beetles and Bees!!!!!
cute delicious butterie and yet not too sweet mini cupcakes by Wondermilk

Happy Belated Birthday Mommy Connie and Ass Kickin Vonne
the January babies....sorry we celebrated in February hehehehehehehehe

I wondered wat did she wished for????
Money falling down fr the sky?
Charming Prince?

Ass Kickin Vonne, Monkey
Baby Caleb, Chan Lu, Mommy Connie, Elyse

Missing Su San who was still in Prague.....eh CNY lor...faster come back!!!
and Rol Rol who couldn't make it bcoz her baby was sick. :((

Thank you ladies for the years and years and years of friendship
from our teenage years till adolescent, adulthood and now mommy-hood

Here toasting to our Friendship :)))))


  1. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Nice gathering! Lovely cuppies! Adorable baby hoh. Eton Mess, I like the mess. Will wait for you to blog about it ;-)

    BTW....Gong Hei Fatt Choy in advanced ya ^_^

  2. Melissa: Gong Xi Gong Xi!!!! Hopefully can see you this CNY trip back :)))
