Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hot Mama Thevi's Birthday Partay!!!

Hot Mama Thevi and her cake *which was on fire coz she's so hawt*
sorry I've been so so so lagged in my posting so I better do it before another birthday coming my way, which I think already did...okie that birthday *where the bday gal was so drink* I will blog soon too :P
somebody's itchy hand *definitely not mine* was trying to mess around
u never mess with Hot Mama Thevi ok!!!!
if u did...this is wat u get....CAT CLAWS!!!
Million-Dollar-Smile Encee, Hot Mama Thevi, Lawyer Pamera, Devigaga, Hot Babe Shen, Beautiful CS, Monkey and Sweet Devil Rachel

we had dinner in Tanzini the most horrid and torrid place to dine at
let's not turn this post to a complain posting...
I'll stay happy for now....ohmmmm...ohmmm....ohmmm...
so after the horrid dinner, we congregated at Zouk KL by midnite
where champagnes were already chilling
and the crowd was high on their toes grooving
but nobody can be higher than us
look at the champagnes and its towers/cages stacked on top of each other

it was also Million-Dollar-Smile Encee's hubby birthday
so we had a huge double celebration
bring out more champagnes please!!!!!
Macho Mani & Hot Mama Thevi
after the all-ladies' men joined us hahahaha

Macho Mani = Sweet Devil Rachel's husband
*Read about their beautiful wedding here*
Macho Mani is also everyone's husband
for rent :P hahahahaha just kidding
but he's alwiz there for us, taking care of us and making sure we are in safe hands all the time
he's the sweetest :))))))
Sweet Devil Rachel, Beautiful CS and the birthday akka!!!!
their dresses were so well coordinated :)))))))))
nice we must do a theme partay
who's birthday is next????
if there's no birthday then we should do Akka's-retirement-fr-workforce-partay
yes akka soon gonna be unemployed but that's a bliss to be a tai-tai
Hot Mama Thevi = my akka and me
I dunno why I alwiz alwiz alwiz happened to dress/styled like an underaged kid whenever we go to a club and faced "prosecution" at the entrance :P

"Identification please!!!!"
and all my friends at the back of the VVIP line will throw such laughter
at this age, I still get asked to show IC is a .....hmmm....well not really an insult...I take that as a compliment :P
the nite was havoc....I can't remember much
we were everywhere....from the dance floor to the DJ console
how the hell we got in there I dunno but DJ was kind enuff to let us mess around
I dunno how we gals can consume so much....
Million-Dollar-Smile Encee's hubby ordered so much of champagnes and liquor it's enuff for us to dive in and swim innit!!!!!
by 4am akka was so tipsy that the personal bodyguards had to hold her
Million-Dollar-Smile Encee has got an entourage of bodyguards with her everywhere she goes
*for security reason*

anyway Hot Mama Thevi laughed we laughed
she cried......we watched her cry and laughed :P
she danced, we danced with her
she fell on the dance floor....we fell with her.....coz it was a domino's effect :P
pulling one after another until the bodyguards pulled us up one by one
and our shoes and handbags :P
gawd...I hope nobody captured that on camera or something
by 4 or 5am...we were looking like this :P
and our beloved caretaker Macho Mani was like this

Happy Birthday again Hot Mama Thevi
so your retirement partay is on????
tee hee hee


  1. I hope Aiden / Rheanna never find this post! LOL!!

  2. Thevi: if they can't find this particular posting, there will be others....wuahahahhaa....u can run but u can never hide :P

  3. Thanks Food Dreams :))))
