Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ninja Joe...haiiiyeaaakkk!!!!

Baby Wei introduced this fast food outlet in The Gardens to Monkey 1.5 years ago..
wow times flies huh?

nothing fancy about this place, just very simple
sometimes simplicity is the key huh?
well wait till it rawks ur belly and palate :P

and a few weeks ago, Monkey was hungry after a movie and pulled JS along for snacks
as u all know...JS is not a fan of fast food...
in fact he hated fast food and rallied against consumption of fast food
well he said that we are wat we eat...and our body is our temple yada yada bla bla bla
I guess by the time he's done, I would have consumed 2 burgers :D heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

then Monkey informed JS that this is not any fast food chain or whatsoever
it's a homegrown brand with only a few outlets in Klang Valley
either he can't stand my lectures/naggings/marketing another brand that he gave up

and soon we found ourselves standing at the counter ordering 2 burgers
heheheheh hahahahahahahah
My Solo Ninja in Teriyaki sauce
the burger is tiny, petite and cute like me :P *blueeekkk*
and I can shove them into my mouth in a few bites :P
small but awesome :)))))))))))
the killer was the extremely moist well seasoned well flavoured pork patty
ohhhh yummmmsss!!!!

and it's made to order so u have to wait for a bit for your burger
my only complain's too petite
if u are considering having a full meal instead of snacks like me...this definitely ain't enough

I'm sure there's reasons that they made them this size...prollie the cooking time, texture and flavour of the meat patty....many reasons could contribute to the success of Ninja Joe's pork burger

this year Ninja Joe is celebrating their 3rd anniversary
so if u have yet to try it...please do :))))))

Available at:
The Gardens Mall
Sunway Pyramid
Tropicana City Mall
Setia City Mall
1 Utama Shopping Mall

Nope they don't have an official website yet but you can check them out at their FB page or follow them on twitter:


  1. i have yet to try it..hopefully when i am back. you know it's Janice Tan's business right?

  2. Hello Kindy Chai...missing on the scene for quite a bit. Yup u told me back then :)) we have a few ex-MMU ppl in F&B business huh?

  3. LOL! U both punya conversations oways made me LOL!...
    Aduh...I haven try any of them. Whenever I wanted to try..ppl telling me not nice. Dun care time I want to buy and try! ^^

  4. Good morning Melissa. Haha go and try maybe u like it leh? anyway everyone's palate is so subjective. Betul tak? :))

  5. Nice pork burgers minus that "commercial" burger taste profile. The Bruce lee burger is nice + a bot of waataaaaa :)))riipack2007

  6. Oh yes... I m a big Brucely gal! ;)

    I also drag my hubby to Ninja.. :P

  7. hahahaha all the hubbies kena dragged. Kesian.
