Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Failed Egg Tarts :P

hahaha I still insist that I must post this up
of my 1st attempt in making chinese egg tarts
which was so failed dot come

so I started with the short crust pastry that requires butter and margarine...
after rolling out the pastry, I realised I needed to make precise shape according to its mould
out of the blue and outta my luck I found a nice stainless steel cover meant for JS's sauce bottle

u know those lil nice gadget where chefs used to paint the plate by squeezing liquid/almost liquid food outta a clear white plastic bottle??
heeeeeeeeeeeee :)))))))
*I m so creative when it comes to short cut and laziness*
so I used its extremely nice stainless steel cover/bottle neck to chop chop chop my pastry
then drop the round pastry onto this aluminium mould for tarts
press lightly as u go round and round and round and round and round
and it will bcome like this :))))))))))))))
by far everything was looking good and according to plan

usually when I bake, I'll switch on my air-cond in the dry kitchen full blast
in fact this is a very good environment for the pastry, so they said :P
bcoz it's not too warm and melts the buttery dough as u work on it
then prepare the egg custard
I was so disappointed to know that the egg custard contained so much of evaporated milk
alwiz imagined that egg tarts have only egg yolks :P
silly me....hahahahahaa

la-la-la-la pour them in!!!
Hot Mama Thevi lurves this borosilicate glass jug of mine
I got it at a super big sale at BODUM *errr less than RM 10???*

yeah I know right at that price for BODUM?
when we were in Factory Outlet in Paris...Monkey went berserk when she saw BODUM

WATTT? a BODUM outlet among Ferragamo, D&G and Valentino???
but we didn't get anything then coz our luggages were then full storing other goods *Ahem ahem*

BODUM is known for their double walled coffee cups/glasses and they are so pretty too.
I lurve BODUM :)))))))))))))))))
can totally do a separate posting just on BODUM :P
sorry...let's get back to our failed egg tarts

and then my egg tarts got outta the oven
it looked so PRETTY!!!!
so nice!!!!!

I was a eppy eppy Monkey
hopping like a rabbit in my kitchen
blessed to alwiz have success on most attempts
*except my macarons :((*
but it was soon short-lived
then the next step is to sink them into your mouth - the taste test
it was too SWEET!!!!!
the pastry wasn't crumbly enuff and definitely not as buttery as I want it to be

Monkey was so upset
JS pacified me by swearing at that stupid recipe $%*^#*%^#%^@$

yeah I guess this recipe just doesn't work
if u have a good one, please do share with me


  1. The recipe can do with more egg yolk and less sugar and less evaporated milk. Maybe since you gonna use more eggs, that can kind of replace the evaporated milk.

  2. u bought more aluminium moulds for me yesterday!!! was that a sign to TRY it AGAIN???


  3. Definitely worth a second try to perfect it.

  4. I am waiting for the PERFECT recipe now....unless u have one which u can share with me :P

  5. .. just to let you know I also failed at my egg tarts also... never made it since then... ;)

  6. hello Food Dreams....awwww don't give up ok :))) I m still combing the web for the puuuurrrfect recipe :)))))
