Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Spending time with Roomies :))))

Nasi Lemak for breakfast!!!!!
it was an impromptu outing for roomies
and on every roomies outing day the SUN bounds to shine and the sky is even more blue
see even mother nature is so eppy for us kekekekkekeke
Shell Shell arrived the earliest
she arranged for this breakfast cum karaoke thingy
Nee Lee was sooooo sooooo hungry
she was like "Sorry yea...I eat 1st"

but I must say the food there was quite decent so u can't blame us goin round after round
fetching plates and plates of food instead of singing
Nee Lee made us BROWNIES!!!!!!!
so we had em for desserts on top of all the buffet of desserts!!!!!
hehehheheheh and I got to bring some home too *tam chiak*
Shell Shell, Nee Lee, Mee Mee, Bee Ree
couldn't get a CLEAR pic of all of us
it's alwiz either one of us moved :P

again we missed so many other songs
next time all of us must come with a PLAYLIST


  1. wah so early got karaoke already ah? wonder if got time for makan2 or time to gather when i'm bck nxt mth :P

  2. yeah early morning fix!!!!!
