Thursday, September 08, 2011

Seafood at Pasir Penampang, Kuala Selangor

it was a Sunny but Hazy day
*think it's worse today*

so JS & Monkey drove ourselves to Kuala Selangor for our tummies to have a great time
but usually we dun use FOOD as an excuse to go somewhere....
so this time....our MAIN reason was to test the new highway called LATAR
starting 1st Sept all motorists have go to pay toll after its opening sometime in June 2011

yea I know *roll eyes* we should have tried it when the expressway was FREE
on LATAR's website, it states that one will only take 18 minutes from Templer Park to Ijok exit
*other exits are Kuang Barat/Timur which connects to Guthrie Highway*

hmmm think t 18 mins is possible but the tolls rates are a killer...
there are a total of 3 tolls from end to end and each toll cost RM 2
so the 18 mins journey will cost RM 6?????
well that explains why WE were the only CAR around on it
*LATAR highway is like cricket sound.......chiiit chiiit chiiiit*
anyway we returned to the same restaurant we went to last year
there a lil small village at Pasir Penampang with only ONE main road
so we went to the last seafood restaurant at the end of this sleepy hollow town to the west
the pic above was the East side of the road
sipping REALLY cold coconut juice
lurve it when it is this cold
gives me freeze snap!!!!!
it was so yummy I had 2x :P *burp!!!!*
the wind was so cool it's messing up my hair and our tissues were flying everywhere
we sat at the end of this stilt restaurant that's next to this errrmmmmm I dunno wat do u call it
it's the dock of a fishery whereby they clean their clams in a very un-hi-tech machine
but it WORKS!!!!!

HUGE giant clams were loaded into the end of the machine.....
as it falls into a long basket that turns.....there's water sprinkling around em cleaning its shell
when they come out fr the other end, men were seen bz sorting them out
throwing stones, bad clams and weird sea creature out.

well should have walked there and snap pic but food arrived on our table
and that's more important than ppl cleaning clams
hiak hiak hiak
fried potato leaves 
think it was only RM 6 
and it was a medium size plate for 4-6 ppl coz we specifically ordered BIG plate :P
not many places have got RM 6 fried vege anymore
freshly deep fried Mantis Prawns with 5 spiced salt
u know it's fresh the moment u peeled off its skin
highlight was this fish!!!!
forgotten wat fish was this
deep fried in oil hence it's called "Soaked-in-oil-fried-fish"
served with crispy julienned ginger

the cook carefully cut its meat on the body and left it intact on the bone
so after the deep fried process.....every piece of its fish was so so so crispy
and mind u SO DAMN SWEET
I lurve fish head the most
more so when it is this crispy!!!!
as we ate, we watched all the small fishing boat returning home
looking heavy
they are not very huge boat
so it can't go far out into the open sea
teh tarik colored river :P
just 2 mins down this river is the Straits of Malacca
coz I sniffed the smell of sea fr where we were seated
weird looking shells but its meat are delicious
and the HUGE CLAMS!!!!
it's very very HUGE coz the basket was the big sized ones
I should have placced my finger there as reference
after our hearty yummy meal it's time to do SHOPPING
yeah shop for fresh seafood
it is just outside the restaurant
REALLY REALLY big prawns selling at RM 58 per kilo
and mind u these are not farmed prawns....
they are fr the sea

if u are a prawns freak u'll know the difference between farmed and sea prawns
anyway I didn't choose the prawns coz I didn't know how
just get that lady to do it lar!!!!
all the local fresh produce fr the sea
anchovies in different sizes
they are fishes too!!!!
these babies are damn nice
fried em with turmeric powder
well u know that I'm a fish idiot hence no description

at least I've learnt my vege by now hahahhahahahaaha
last time, my description of vege...with leaves, no leaves, beans, long one, green/white/purple ones

now I know the purple one is aubergine/brinjal, and there's so many types of beans :))))))
and the different types of sprouts
daikon sprouts, pea sprouts, coriander sprouts etc *JS is so proud of me :D*

so u wanna know how I describe fish :P
red ones, dotted ones, the one with thick lips, small one, sharp ones, flat ones, ugly ones,
and my favourite of all......super-ugly-one-sided-cockeye-fish = flounder and Turbot

but it's a different story all together when it comes to sashimi
I know my sashimi well just that I dunno how does the WHOLE FISH looked like
me only know how it looked like on my plate wuahahahahhhahaha
sliced and cut in wat way and its grains and fats lining....
Monkey oso know how to differentiate all the different cuts of a Tuna :D

oh damn....I'm gonna be like the new generation of kids
whereby a kindergarten teacher asked her class to draw a chicken
and guess wat came out??? yeah a piece of drumstick.....tat's chicken to them :P
prollie I'll just draw KFC with its sides of coleslaw and whipped potato
Kedai Makanan Hoi Ung
Jalan Pasir Penampang,
45000 Selangor.


  1. Let me assist in naming the fishes.

    1. A kind of sea bream.
    2. Mackeral family(Malay name is ikan kembong).
    3. Local flounder.
    4. Pomfret.
    5. Treadfin salmon(ikan kurau or mah yau in Chinese).

    Trust we all know our fish now :))

  2. There should be a fish guide booklet with photos and names for people like me who never go fish marketing often enough to remember how each fish looks like :P

  3. Dear Cherry,

    Firstly, thks for your kind words on my son. I have been blessed and he is definately recovering now.

    Second, I know I dont really comment much but I do follow your blog a lot. Love it for the humor and the stories you share!! It always makes me smile when I read your blog cos it has all the action and sound effect with the pics :)

    Third, thks for the tip on this seafood restaurant. Will check it out soon since the dishes looked homey & delicious.. Jenn

  4. Nee Lee: I think we can get such book at the children section in the book store...kekekekkee

    Jenn: Thank u for dropping by. We r happy and glad to hear that he is ok now. Wishing him speedy recovery!!!!
