Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Roast Chee-Kent :-)

JS decided he wanna master chicken :P
pppffffttttttttt and I was like YIPEEEE bonus for me

another recipe from Thomas Keller
it was a simple roast chicken on a bed of root vegetables
and the first step was to clean and cut ur root vegetables 
dunk some olive oil, thyme, salt n pepper
we bought these Le Creuset stoneware during the Great Singapore Sale a few years ago
it costed like errrr less than SGD 10 each?

I wanted to carry the whole Le Creuset counter home coz everything was from 60% to 80% off!!!!
if only I live in Spore >_< 
then the whole counter is MINE MINE MINE!!!!!
JS used red skin potatoes, normal chat potatoes, LEEKS, sweet carrots and local green chilis 
u know chilis are damn sedap when grilled???
next clean the chicken
hmmmm why is the chicken looking so pretty smooth and fair?
wat chicken is this?
she looks all ready for miss pageant
clean its cavity with some fresh thyme and garlic
I was trying to capture the flakes of salt's fall....
but was quite difficult -_-
think capturing snow flakes falling is easier
euuuuuwwwww disgusting!!!!!!
then it's time to TRUSS the chicken
and I was asking the most silly question ever
"Do u know how to TRUSS a chicken?????"
JS threw me the slitted eyes look
without answering my question, he trussed the damn chicken in 10 seconds...
so action speaks louder
I tell u, he very very arrogant :P

Monkey blinked her eye in amazement and like a kid got JS to do it all over again
"again again again...!!!!"
Damn he's fast!!!!!
or prollie an idiot like me just dun get it :P
I dun know how he did it in less than 10 seconds
maybe he should consider a job trussing chicken Ayamas kitchen?
the chicken looked so pretty :D
I dunno why I was so amazed....prollie just too excited coz I get to eat chicken again
kuak kuak kuak
then get a good quality baking tray
it is one of the must have in any kitchen
a good one will last u for years and it will not warp after numerous torturing, abusive usages

JS got his baking tray from Royal Doulton by Gordon Ramsay Collection
in stainless steel
u can also use stoneware and enamel ones from Le Creuset
spread the root vegetables nicely and leave a space in the middle for Miss Chicken
the chicken must not touch the baking tray
so pretty teee heee heee :D
with the colors fr the vege
dun waste all the olive oil fr the root vege marinate
just drizzle over Miss Chicken
slap some butter on its skin
bake it at 475 fahrenheit for 25 mins
then change the temp to 400 fahrenheit for another 45 mins
that's like damn long for a small chicken
and check the temperature between the thigh and breast
it has to reach at least 160 fahrenheit

aiyo so ma fan next time i buy Ayamas lar!!!
also u need to check that the juice that comes out fr the chicken 
the moment u pull out the temperature prob....the juice has to be clear
finally!!!! wuahahahahhahaha
and I got the honor to carve it :P
then JS said we need to let the chicken rest for 20 minutes
WATTTTT another FREAKING 20 minutes?!?!!?!?!?
I'm hungrrrryyyyyyy :"((((((
very juicy and moist
very very moist

the leeks were outstanding
super sweet

JS oso opened a bottle of white burgundy
"Wat's the occasion???"
JS: "No occasion, just enjoying a quiet evening with u :)))"
and we had a quiet Candlelight dinner hehehehehheeh
this tealight was given to me by Jen
she didn't want it and she had it for years!!!

"heyyy but it's Bernardaud porcelain!!!!!!"
Jen: "I just know it's expensive and I dun appreciate it."

"HELLOOOO it's legend!!! it's Bernardaud!!!!"
and quickly snatched the delicate turquoise box fr her hands
Sorry I very tak malu one

Mr. JS I want to try the next chicken recipe by Thomas Keller :D
he wanted to pengsan >_<


  1. thevi2:15 PM

    Oooo..next chicken recipe! Chicken Roulade?

  2. Chef Thevi. Think I will do a killer chicken curry!! You got a good recipe?? Can share share ar??:))))

  3. Hot Mama Thevi: Did u make the fried chicken last week for Stuey? yes can u share with us a fantastic indian chicken curry???? pls pls pls~~~~~~

  4. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Nice photography and the chicken looked so enticing :)

    I thought JS dont eat poultry??
