Sunday, June 06, 2010

Birthday Celebrations *by JS*

They say life is too short so live it to the fullest......... probably for younger people you may not understand this fully but by the time you start knocking at 50+, you will begin to appreciate and accept it's full meaning :) Thats why god designed us in such a way that we mellow as we get older.......... we become less aggressive and better tempered(eg:-no more throwing tennis rackets and golf clubs)...... we forgive and forget easier than said....... we improve as a person in general....... so that as we approach the days to come, we tend to understand and more importantly accept(not deny) and prepare ourself for the day of reckoning!
That was the philosophical side of my story line and by using the the sadder side of life as a mirror to reflect on the happier side i begin to have a better understanding and see things in better perspective.......... perhaps the way god wants me to see birth and death for instance. Getting too "chim" di..........quick, back to reality!!
Anyway since we are still living and enjoying life, we took the meaning of living life to the fullest to another level............yes, we promise ourselves that every year we must celebrate our birthday at least 3X!! yeah.....bring it on, pop another couple of bottles of Dom Perignon 96...... decant another couple bottles of Domaine Romanee Conti's Grand Cru Burgundys .........and more importantly, find a reason to get together with your friends more often to celebrate the good life :)

So we continue to celebrate monkey's birthday(second round) with her office Giovino's restaurant in KL.

Chris da boss was in a very anxious and hurried mood to do the prezy time upfront.....relax lar bro....this one not your birthday leh :)
Birthday card only ar..........or maybe angpow!!!!
Monkey in a flash quickly open to check!!
Yes, it's a very nice card.....solly sir, no angpow....hehe :)
birthday gal amusing herself.
Ah the real prezy!!
haha........bananas for the monkey......good one guys!!
Another prezy.......Corum's tradition is to always give many prezy.
This look i know it's a Paul Smith di :)
see I told you :)
and this is for your coming Bali appropraite. Txs guys for the thought.
hey, who is the naked woman running into the sunset :)

Next was makan time offcourse and we ordered some common platter to share and then a selfish helping off the ala carte menu for the main course.

a generous helping of parma ham and salamis.......really remind me of our holiday in Italy.
this one is a rojak of bruschettas, spinach puffs, fritters, etc.
Rocket salad on a bed of mushroom.
wahhHHH......chow yow ee!! see tow......why you order this one?? hidden meaning ar??!!!
pork belly and ribs intact.
pasta with bits of real crispy pork bacon.......i would recommend a soft boil egg on top with the yolk oozing out.
Chris da boss.......bro, you always lecturing your staff one ar......look at their faces....all like happily eating as if you not there :)
this one mabuk look .........but
aiyah.....only 2 bottles leh!!
a shocked and a satisfied look!

and finally it was time for the birthday cake, song and the whole works including taking pictures.

the ever sweet face monkey(pls don't count the candles!!)

eppy eppy
wei.....blow quickly lar!!
the 3 hunks and monkey:)

There you this space for Monkey's third or maybe fourth birthday celebration posting :)

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