Monday, June 07, 2010

Cilantro, Micasa Hotel

this post is dedicated to the awesome team at Cilantro, Micasa Hotel.
yummy grain bread with yummy crust
forgotten to snap pics of their famous truffles butter
and a new addition to the family is the seaweed butter :)))))))))
very very umami I like!!!!

there's no special reason to dine at Cilantro
Peakie D said it's my canteen -_-"
please lar!!!!!

the food is awesome,
wine list or should I say there's a wine shop just right outside aka Venom aka Vinum
someone told it's venomous to go in coz u'll end up with a few bottles/crates on your hand
yeah i think this applies only at Vinum Singapore with its amazing cellar
however Yuhe-San is doin a pretty great job at Vinum Micasa
amuse bouche of chicken terrine
definitely not for Mr-No-Duck-No-Chicken
we were with Prince C that nite and guess wat?
he almost sapu-ed Cilantro whole week supply of oysters :P

"One dozen kenot finish!!!!"
Prince C: "Can lar...I'll finish the rest for u....afterall french oysters very tiny only"

somehow I sense that Nee Lee would feel very geli upon reading this stage of this particular post
soli madam!!!! :D next round I belanja u makan oh jien.
hors d'oeuvres
of venison, salmon, errrrr the last time item was....-_-"
sorry I have memory lapse coz everytime Monkey will have hors d'oeuvres and it's alwiz different item
a certain si fu told me this one very nice to use for GOURMET fried kuey teow
u go and fry lar....ish ish this one is good on its own sashimi style
akagai is Japanese Cockles = see ham
as huge as a scallop :P
was editing all pics using different effects
kinda forgotten which brush stroke I used to make the above looking "newspaper" liked :D
our favourite capellini with caviar and sea urchin!!!!
crispy baby duck with foie gras
ate 10 oysters and then this...
Prince C u better go and check your cholesterol level kay!!!!!!

Baby Duck was yummy~~~
I took a piece...
it didn't have this gamey taste of a duck
seafood capelini coated in really really good mentaiko *fish roe*
it has this cheesy texture and yet not overwhelming
how clever of Chef Takashi to use this ingredient
some chopped chives to give it its tanginess and crispy seaweed to balance its texture
anything from Vosne Romanee is good for Monkey :D
and it's only a 1st cru :)))))))))))))
*die slap meself!!!!. stop being a wine snob!!!!*

anyway it's highly recommended for its mineral nose
pair perfectly with red meat and seafood

anyway I need to find some decent kakis to have a memory lane walk down bordeux again
can't be drinking burgundy all the time
helloooo mates, if u r reading this.....let's do a left bank right bank bordeux tasting :D
yes will miss the Henschke presentation this Friday
got 86, 88, 89, 90 - Cyril

Moomba-ing Auggie u guys have fun ok!!!!!
sigh, the last Henschke I had was errrr 2 years ago?
sounds like very long I never drink Aussie dy!!!!!!
the team at Cilantro was so sweet!!!!!
and remembered my birthday though it was belated

Thank you for the wonderful creation whipped outta Chef Takashi's kitchen
all the superb service
u guys gave me a awesome dining experience in KL
cheers to a healthy life!!!!!!


  1. Not very geli lar... just a bit. Hehe.
    Post more slimy oysters pics and soon I won't feel any geli-ness anymore :P

  2. Nee Lee: Next time u must learn how to makan :D
