Friday, June 04, 2010

No Duck & Chicken

Monkey had been busy preparing for our upcoming trip
and this round...she's taking care of F&B and accommodation plus apparels...
*yep I bought a nice straw hat yesterday and now it ended as JS's properties*

F&B is very very very very very extremely and truly important in all our vacations....
hence prior preparations months ahead are kinda usual for us
*esp booking Michelin Stars restaurants*

anyway Bali has got no Michelin Star restaurants
but they have got MANY chefs with Michelin Stars from Europe
hmmm so how come a restaurant can't be michelin-ed if they have got chefs with michelins stars?
dom deee dum

Monkey booked a few restaurants including the highly rated
and must-go Bumbu Bali which requires reservation ahead plus deposit
deposit??? yeah for that damn suckling pig...T_T

and some other smaller places like our lil picnic by the beach

"Dear xxx resort....reservation for a picnic lunch in a cabana on xxxx at xxxx. I need xxxx and xxxx and this and that"
they were prompt and confirmed all the details.

"Dear xxx resort....pls send me your menu and wine list for this xxx lunch by the beach."
xxx resort revert with their picnic basket lunch selections and drinks list.

Monkey was aghast!!!!!
OMG there Itik Bertutu - spit roasted duck
and there's also ayam panggang bertutu - roast chicken in banana leaf
gawd...this won't work with JS -_-"

"Dear xxx resort...pls confirm my selections and drinks and wines and etc...for Mr. JS's lunch package kindly replace the tutu and bertutu and watever tuuuu with different meat like lamb, beef, fish but no chicken nor duck."
the resort replied instantly that his menu would be specially made with no poultry

Monkey was not convinced -_-

"please make sure No DUCK and No CHICKEN"
resort xxx replied yessss no duck and no chicken for Mr. JS

JS was cc-ed in all the communications and he was T_T
coz before his arrival the whole resort knows him as the Guest-with-No-Duck-No-Chicken

sorry :D heeeeeeeeeeeee
told ya I can do a good work in publicity...otherwise I won't be in this line.
hehhehehhe soli lar...dun merajuk :P
I meant good for u

PS: I soooo can imagine our pick-up at the airport....with our butler holding a signage "XXX resort. Mr. No-duck-No-chicken"
well that would be us :P

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