Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Prince C's Birthday, Cilantro

Prince C & GOE share the same birthday,
one was celebrating in Spore....the other one here in KL
since both can't make it together at a destination at the same time
*well important ppl are alwiz busy :P*
the favourite seaweed butter and truffles butter
I just like ordinary rich butter
started the dinner off with a Baby Krug
wei...JS I thought no more liao in the fridge?
this bottle came fr where? or u've been hiding so I won't be sneaking behind your back and whack all your stocks? I'm not like tat rite???
*nyek nyek nyek*
simple dinner, just the 3 of us with really really simple wine
yes we are following Si Fu Lawrence's philosophy - simplicity

Chef Takashi was not available to cook that nite
but he was so sweet to do up a nice menu already
He was celebrating his wedding anniversary!!!! Congratulations!!!!
amuse bouche of scrambled egg inside an egg shell
very delightful
the men were busy whacking the awesome bread with the awesome butter
one super favourite dish at Cilantro :))))))))
cold capellini with sea urchin and avruga caviar
oh yea...must credit mention first...nanti he merajuk
all pics taken by Mr. JS using his Canon Mark IV
white asparagus and foie gras
white asparagus is in season now but I must say it's not the same if u eat them in Europe
it has a slight golden bitterness that's very yummy
2 years ago, I brought back fr Switzerland for JS to cook
and it's super cheap there....
think I brought back bundles and he couldn't finish em and had to throw :(((

Foie gras is another favourite for Prince C
he uses them to fried rice at home
roasted hirame fish and poached oyster
the oyster on my plate went to the birthday boy
another favourite his
well the menu of the nite was certainly made for him
think we were so obedient to have 1.5 bottles only :))))
this is wat I call moderation....:P
more like not enuff forum to drink more....WAKAKAKAKA
so dear Singapore AA gang...know how blessed u guys are
with all the top notch restaurants everywhere and availability of wines and kakis to indulge
in Malaysia I have yet to find this bunch of ppl
some sour sorbet to cleanse the palate
JS had his usual off the menu aka open food seafood pasta
birthday boy had lobster with deep fried zucchini flower

Monkey had wagyu beef with nanohana - broccolini
*the col of the beef in the pic is a bit pale*
**blame it on the flash**

sear em on the hot stone according to ur liking
just look at the fats...I mean where's the MEAT???
YUMMO!!! melts~~~~
so Prince C went out for a smoke and we gave him a lovely surprise :P
one year older one year wiser
and he got a bottle of pressie fr us

Romanee St Vivant
the ritual of snapping pic with the birthday boy
my turn!!!!!
yummy tiramisu cake
thank u for arranging, Jason :)))))))))))
coffee or tea or me?
rhubarb souffle
homemade chocolate truffles

kinda forgotten the name of this chocolate dessert
with figs
good combo
so I m not JS
I won't blog about a person's horoscope/zodiac
coz I dunno how :P

but being logic and general
Prince C was born in the year of oink oink
hence he has such good oink oink life
eat and sleep only
yeah he doesn't work :P

but when he does get down to his butt to work
u better watch out coz this man is ferocious
yeah that reminds me...he's also ferocious behind all his wheels
the man who taught me to speed at 270km on the highway and it's ok
promised meself will never do tat again :P
pls dun force me to drive ur car again hehehehe

Cilantro Restaurant
Micasa Hotel,
Jalan Tun Razak,
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2079 8082

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