Monday, April 26, 2010

Gathering of the bulls - Lamborghini

Smoking hot~~~
the car...not the chick :P

Last saturday was the gathering with Lamborghini owners from Singapore and Malaysia
also presenting were 3 exclusive Lambos with high quality 3M stickers on it
*heck i won't do tat*
students of Lim Kok Wimg Creative University created winning entries for these stickers
the above orange lambo was a 2nd place entry

3rd place was a bit too daring with the anatomy of a human with rib bones, back bones
a bit too "feng tau" for me :P

now this is wat I called an understated elegance
of the golden bull on a lamborghini :))))))

the owners of these 3 cars had to live without their lambos for a month
in order for creative works to be completed

this owner lurved the design so much, he's keeping the 3M stickers on!!!!

later all the exclusive guests were escorted to Al-Amar Restaurant for dinner

freshly baked bread fr the stone oven
my favourite :))))))))))))))

dinner started off with cold mezze *forgot to snap pic*


grilled main course of lamb, beef and chicken

the lebanese chef looked a bit stoned here :P
later, there was an auction of d'YQuem, Lafites and Margaux
very sad auction coz those guests don't appreciate wines at this level
They can't imagine spending RM 12,000 on a bottle.
:D and we didn't bid coz JS can get cheaper than that but hey this is for charity isn't it?

Monkey & JS
we were seated with the President of Lamborghini Club
and some other snobs who were not educated to say hi and introduce themselves *poor manners*
interior of Al-Amar Restaurant

later we were entertained by a belly dancer
Monkey, Lyndon and Peakie D
both of us in our Chanel :))))
Lebanese sweets...
it was good!!!!
we had such great time together
good seeing both of u again
*like 2nd time for the week??? hehehehe*

Al Amar Restaurant
Level 6, Pavilion KL,
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2166 1011


  1. I only like the golden bull design. Who in their right mind want to put those "feng tau" designs on?? Damn not on! (Not elegant & classy at all)

    Eeyer, I don't like snobs too. No manners - mother nvr teach manners I think!

  2. TL: yes u are so right....the other 2 cars really kenot make it :P so the black car won hands down with no challenge at all...CEH!!!!!

    errrr well ppl come in diff packaging and faces...memang mother neva teach...behaving like pork butchers :P

  3. aka "chu yuk lou!!!"

  4. Eh, don't simply hentam "chu yok lou" - some of them got manners one ok?

    And yalah, even the black one also not that outstanding. I expected something GRAND & Classy, not to meniton outstanding. Move aside LKW DESIGN STUDENTS! Here comes aunty tsulin.

    PS Word Verification : Fooks (wahhh....)

  5. somehow the lambos at this exhibition not that impressive.....the colors not solid enuf. maybe its the lighting........not meant for car show.
