Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Piazza di Spagna, Rome

Spanish Steps has been a magnet for tourists
I dun see wat's so special about this place
just high steps for u to hang out and a landmark church at the top - Chiesa della Trinita dei Monti
*note the obelisk grew outta Monkey's head :P*
I didn't fancy this place coz.....LOOK AT THE CROWD!!!!!
the reason we were here bcoz of the shopping strip!!!
that whole street packed like sardines of human being holds all the famous italian brands
from Gucci to Dolce & Gabbana, Ferragamo, Miu Miu, Prada, Armani and Rome's very own Bvlgari

built between 1723 and 1726 it was named Spanish Steps because of the nearby Spanish Embassy
soon it became a place for beautiful men and women to hang out.....errr not to pak tor
but to be spotted and hoping to be chosen as artists' models

hmmmmmm how to spot these beautiful ppl among the crowds leh????
wrong place to be

soon we found a spot to watch sunset :))))))))))))
and climbed all the way to the top
the street was still full of ppl!!!
the tiny van can't even get through :P
how come there's so many ppl in ROME????????
beautiful sunset :))))))))

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