Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hong Kong Trip

Izani & Monkey
YESSSSSS finally I am bloggin bout my CNY trip to HK
GOSH!!! April is soon coming.

We took the morning flight to maximise our day(s)
had coffee with Izani who works in the airport
hey sayang....can we at least meet every now and then instead of 3 years once???
coz I think in the next 3 years I'll look very different. :P
and to maximise the space in my stomach I only had fruits on board
since when I am so kiasu????
but not as Kiasu as JS coz he didn't eat at all!!!
Once we touched down....zoomed to the hotel....
ran to the ferry pier among the gazilions of Hongkies
GAH so many ppl everywhere
"QUICK faster get onboard I wanna eat lunch!!! hungry!!!"
crossing over to HK island fr Tsim Tsa Tsui

Read bout my last entry which was agessssss ago of Izani my Fashion buddy *here*
well if u wonder why...he's a fashion buyer!!!!

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