Wednesday, March 18, 2009

JS's Birthday at Moomba, Singapore

Disclaimer: All pics taken by God of Eatery aka G.O.E with his funky Nikon. All his food pics damn cun...but according to diners that nite, everyone had to suffer as touching the food till he's done.

Lesson learnt: Order another portion for him to snap pic lor!!! so u guys can eat in peace :))))
Thank u to G.O.E for letting me curi all the pics from his Facebook!!! heeeeeeeeeeeee
JS & Si Fu still in his working u looked like a VP

Singapore's style = u celebrate for 30 days
so JS went down to Spore one of those weekdays for work
and also to blow the birthday candle(s)
Henri Giraud a top favourite among the japanese
who brought this bottle???
so KENG!!!
98 was rated as the Grand Cru year

when Monkey was still lil...she was introduced to the popular champagne called Moet & Chandon
then she moved on to Dom Perignon and my everyday champagne was a Bollinger
later developed a love affair for Krug
then moved on to Salon S and Henri Giraud

JS needs to stop feeding me with all the good stuffs???
kenot take Moet anymore - KOYAK!!!
I think this will end soon coz JS got sick of champagnes
wei, how to drink leh? One bottle = RM 1k
for a bimbo like me....go buy Prada small leather goods better.
this one....good stuff
well readers, for your kind info I was not at this dinner
missed out all the good stuffs.
*grrrrr u think i dunnit to work izzit? can fly down for dinner?*
the ever fierce Chambertin
these ppl only drink grand crus
if u all continue to do more wines to drink liao
but then...this was a special u are all SPARED!!!
Can somebody esp those who attended this dinner tell me wat champagne is this???
tasting note pls!!!
seared prawns served with I dunno wat is tat?
since lil Monkey wasn't there, this posting did no justice to Chef Leonard
Pasta with beef and GOE can't remember outta the blue wat beef was tat
Si Fu & G.O.E
see the collections of pics I have of u guys are either with wine glasses or the huge NIKON
beef brisket with mash
roasted sweet pumpkin and variety of mushrooms
I supposed this was lamb??
JS and his birthday tart
yeah the high demand superb egg tart
made upon request - not in the menu

Last year:
"Leonard, how many eggs u put in there?"
He didn't answer me immediately
gave me a cute smile and lift his single finger up and said: "One"

I was confused, scratched my head and move on
"Si Fu...can one egg make a tart?"
Si Fu Lawrence: "Wat he meant was ONE whole tray."

GAH!!!!!!!!! no wonder so yummy!!!!
JJ Jelina, Emily, Doctor, JS, Si Fu Lawrence, G.O.E
8 person one bottle izzit?

Si Fu, are we goin to Moomba next weekend?
Can I have the egg tart pls? :D

The Moomba,
52 Circular Road,
Boat Quay, Singapore.
Tel: +65 6438 0141

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