Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cameron Highlands Resort by YTL

I am in.....HOLLAND....
Ba ha ha ha.
all property by YTL looked the same
I saw this same chair during my stay in Majestic Malacca too.
"erm are we in Majestic???"

Read bout my stay at Majestic Malacca *here*
Me and I Ching
The resort has a Jim Thompson boutique
History has it that he was lost in Cameron Highlands
while trekking in the jungle.
Koi pond
anyway we came here for this
nice ambience
we brought two stunning wines
and believe me, this restaurant has no burgundy glasses..

No pinot noir glasses -_-
lucky we brought one set
and they took one set out, which belongs to Tan Sri FY
so we were drinking that nite from his personal glasses.
I lurve cheezy grissini
baked stuffed crab
erm....dun ever bother trying.

then there's another weird salad which I didn't bother taking pic.
GAh!! U call that FOOD? I call it torture!!!!
JS was smart and ordered prawn fritters
the best of the lot on the table.
u can't go wrong with this and everyone was nibbling fr his plate.
all of us had steak for main
and I chose Sirloin.
okie ler....not that shabby.
anyway dinner was so uneventful we went to the reading room for cigars & desserts
wasted lar our good wines. :(((((((((
cheesecake was dry with lil cheese
bread pudding was OK
and so we sat by the fire place chatting for hours
OPUS number 5
hmmm I dun smoke so lil "feel" and knowledge bout cigars.
I hear fire wood crackling as it burns,
smokes went up the chimney beautifully
while this two chimneys were busy smoking -_-"
yes dinner sucks big time but thank you for bringing me here baby!!!

check out the beautiful resort here

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