Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dinner with Kindy Chai

The famous Nasi Lemak back fr Sakura's dayssssss

Madam's Kwan used to run & own Sakura @ Jalan Imbi until some unfortunate incident happened
whereby she had to pass it to Mr. Gangster Hokkien Sin.
Long story lar. Lazy to cerita. Anyway she opened her new restaurant with the help of close friends lor....
So moral of the story is, if u have the skills and determination nobody can topple u lor.
Kindy Chai & Me
she came back allll the waaaayyyyyyyy from San Diego
to attend Rachelle's wedding
so we gals would soooo love to catch up with her.
Mommy Connie & Kindy Chai
everyone was busy discussing bout wedding...
another wedding
ms. Lu Ai, Chan
Su San, Lu Ai, Mommy Connie
everyone looked so tired
rushing off from work to MV

hey u gals looked like u've berpuasa the whole day lar.
aiks...can't see me face but I like this pic :)
Back: Ass Kickin Vonne, Mommy Connie
Front: Carol, Su San, Kindy Chai, Lu Ai

After I went crazy shopping for yellow top
*before this was RED*
now I have to go crazy again shopping for PINK top
for Lu Ai's wedding...

wei...pls lar specify which shade...
if u have the pantone col number it's better...coz there's more than 45 shades of PINK.
Ass Kickin Vonne also has some requirements,
pls filter all your heng tais first k.

we want certain height, certain weight and certain looks.
the famous cripsy deep fried golden banana fritters with vanilla ice cream
All of us

Kindy Chai promised to make it back to Msia again for Ms. Chan's wedding
that's next month yo!!!!

so to all other friends, if u are in Msia u better make it to the wedding
coz someone from far away land San Diego can manage to!!!!


  1. how thoughtful for that lovely praise comment :D

    "yeah, so those who are back home, you better make it to the wedding, coz I'm flying bck thousands of miles to attend" hehe

  2. Kindy Chai: So I'll see u next month in your pink pinky dress/top. He he he.
