Tuesday, September 26, 2006

JS took me for a stroll at the Jetty on Sunday morning.
Before that, we had dim sum at Shangri-La Tanjung Aru with Her Royal Highness.
some nice Kadazan erm...deco????
there's plenty of these around
Kazadan monkey and me da monkey!!!
I thought I was really tanned fr all the swimming & golf..but someone is way too burnt!!!

Bernard took me to one of the fishing boats which just anchored from a nite of fishing
more boats left and right
I was expected to walk up this tiny super slim flimsy fragile wooden plank
everyone waiting for me to climb it!!! WTF!!! no way!!!
Look what they've got!!! a huge 2.5kg lobster!! That's our dinner baby!!!
Sotong the captain and Bernard

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