Monday, September 25, 2006

Dinner with Her Royal Highness

Yes it was rather stressful to maintain myself,
refrained fr touching any alcos,
despite all the beautiful merlots and burgundies.....yummy. and more smiles...
and let those Datuks...Datins...scrutinized me up and down.
up and down...over and over again.......-_-

It was hard to be lady-like for a monkey like me!!!

JS's nephews, Mark & Andrew looked so bored.....

All I wanna do is:
enjoy myself as much as I want,
eat a lot and stuff myself with good food and good wines,
play PSP with Mark & Andrew,
to be able to hold my baby's hand,
talk like a monkey,
let my hair down and loose myself.

Instead I,
Sat upright the whole nite,
ate very very lil,
very lil alcos too,
smile till my jaw ached,
spoke like a real LAY-DEE,
and maintain my sweetness....ouch.
JS was very busy the whole nite
Me and Bernard the Joker, JS's bro-outlaw!!!

Bernard is such a darl,
he's charming, adorable and very accomodating to me...
attended to all my needs, whinings and my princess-liked behaviors,

The day we arrived,
it was cloudy and I couldn't get a good view of Mt. Kinabalu,
Bernard drove to every single directions so I can get a good view of it once,
entertained me with all his jokes, hence he's called the Joker,
sang and played the guitar for me,
showed me around the city and his beautiful boat,
introduced me to his extended family,
drove me all the way 50 miles to Tuaran just bcoz I lurve Fuzhou noodles.
thank u so much Bernard for your hospitality and patience with me :)

Her Royal Highness, Datin Lim, JS's beloved mommy....:))))

She's a Shanghainese,
lucky she can speak very fluent cantonese and english,
otherwise no communications at all...

She's very nice and kind to me too :)))
very very humble and down to earth...
made sure I'm well fed *which I was, more like over-fed*
bird nest before bed time...
and all those bitter ginseng watever seng seng tea early in the morn...
I know it's supposed to be good for me but I hated both.
and I was very well taken care of by her maids...

Do you wanna go back to KL if u were me???
I don't think so...
just pure tai-tai life there...aaaaa...bliss..

"baby, when are we goin back?"
"Up to u....*smiles*"

so we are goin back again this November for more activities but definitely not challenging the Mountain yet....I need to build up my stamina for 4 months for it.

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