Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The day we arrived, we had a fishy dinner....lotsa lotsa fresh fish fr the sea.
they lurve drinking as much as I do.....yaaaay!!!!
I fell in love with this junk!! Where's the pearl?? WHERE???
Look at its size compared with the tennis ball
Bernard hauled it up fr the sea a few months back. It weights 40kg so I won't be able to carry it home to West Msia.
Eveline makes super delicious carrot cake with cream cheese
the pizza recipe was still fresh in my memory so I made some for them.
and I've got so many sous chef helping me. L-R: burnt black sous chef fr karambunai golf course, The Royal Highness sous chef fr Shanghai and 3 more indon-mali sous chef. So we made a melting pot pizza....hahahaha.
we had Krug Grand Cuvee champagne with our pizzas
with some cute Veuve Clicquot champagne glasses
I sat on seat 1D on both journeys *yes behind the cockpit again* sun setting on the horizon - journey home to KL

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