Tuesday, December 22, 2015

November 2015

Life is all about celebration right? It may not necessary be all the time so but it's my job to ensure everyone is happy and celebrate with one or more of our brands and products. After all, these babies are the leader and pioneer in their very own category, be it Champagnes or Cognac.

I've hardly find time to update this blog, mainly due to work and seriously time flew by too fast....We were away for a few weeks in France in October got back on the last few days of the month to an array of happenings and social meets....and in a blink November has gone....and December is reaching its second half now.

Halloween was spent playing Evil Minnie with my ladies. Bcoz of my work *again*, they shifted it a day earlier. They are the sweetest bunch of friends ever!!! It was a fun nite despite me having to pretend to be a sulking Minnie....it wasn't that difficult coz according to them that's my face...all the time. LOL

yep Halloween celebration got re-scheduled bcoz of this Ball....which also reminded me of another wonderful woman Sweet Devil Rachel as we used to celebrate her birthday on 31st Oct. Both of us came a long way and we kinda had a rather sober and relaxing 31st Oct.....signs of aging huh?
*read bout the past Halloween Bday Celebration here*

Not forgetting my beloved Bonnie the Photog. She had to work on her birthday so loads of kisses and love for her at the Ball.

then the anticipated movie premier of James Bond Spectre. Belvedere Vodka is definitely thrilled to be part of this partnership.  I've lost count of how many times I've attended the premiere LOL that I gave my seats to someone else or my colleagues.

Then a few weeks later, after all the craze has died down, it's JS turn and Monkey took him out to watch Spectre....2.5 hours is kinda long esp with my short attention span

A few days later, it was the celebration of Bangsar Babe's 8th anniversary. For her time flew pass even faster with more travels and amazing experiences. Haig Club flew her to Miami to meet David Backham and was one of her highlight for the year. Congrats babe. 8 years is a huge mileage for your blog.

my favourite mix for the nite had to be the concoction of homemade orange marmalade, with Haig Club whisky, some orange liquor of Grand Marnier, egg white and finish off with a thinly sliced dehydrated orange. The mixologist was really awesome. We do work with quite a few of notable mixologist in town. Moet Hennessy Diageo will never settle for anything less :)))

My dearie colleague decided he can make the same -_-"
despite being in the business, none of us can really make a good drink. Guess that's why we are in marketing and sales. LOL.

On the very same weekend was the Newman Creative Pioneer Awards. So so lovely to have caught up with some old friends, really do missed them heaps. Sorry I'm really terrible at catching up these days.

He said Yeay!! I'm still the tallest dude in the ballroom. Dearest Taavi left us to pursue his dreams and KL is really that small, am so happy to know we will be working together again :))) Keep it up my dear :)))

The Li TV Tastemaker event was nevertheless successful and I had a good time working with the organiser.

Speaking of ppl pursuing their dreams, Shayne Wesley Simon is leaving us end of this month. Too many movements around but I am glad everyone is moving either to start their own business or create something new and exciting.

pic with Dax taken at the opening of his new outlet Hyde. Congratulations and look forward to more great happenings to come.
U'll never short of finding pics of me holding glasses these days. BAHAHAHAHA according to a colleague, it's some workout called - the glass lifting exercise. Glenmorangie hosted a whisky trail tasting dinner and so happy to know everyone had an amazing time.

colleagues are alwiz so impeccable and beautiful, eventhough some of them have #smalleyes. LOL. Thank you for being there and made my life so sane despite the crazy hectic work. Your passion and expertise in your own line made me wanna be as good as you are.
That very same week, the Gang came down to Malaysia for a few days and stayed at our home. So lots of cooking, laughters, joy, fun, and more cooking and more great eats and drinks. We lurve dining at home....

No dresscode
No Corkage
No traffic jam
No problem in finding a carpark
No waiting time for food
No lousy food

but best of all u can just collapse onto the comfort of ur own bed a few metres away after all the great food and drinks.

As the month of November kinda ended, the last Ball of the year - Prestige Ball.

Technically I've already shifted to a different industry, but most of the time host/organisers arranged me to be seated with the movers & shakers of my previous industry. HAHAHAHA. Including my colleagues, they will be "why are we in this table? have u got anything to do with it?"

selfies with all my clients who became friends :)))

Me and my hobbits. They are now 1,623 kilometres away from me for the past few days. JS had kidnapped them back to the Land Beneath the Wind while I was working in Shanghai. So I came home to just the huge pink Hippo and Fuchsia Lizard cat.

So there u go....a quick summary of November...so many major events that I don't have time to blog. Before I know it, December is coming to an end soon too. Christmas is just a few days away. I can't decide if I'm anxious, excited or just ecstatic....wahahahaha

Will prepare a posting of the "wat we got for xmas" in the next few days time....epic fail...watever happened to opening the xmas on the morning of 25th Dec?

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