Tuesday, November 24, 2015

My work station

My work station with its own instalment for the last couple of months.
Monkey dearie acquired these postcard during her visit to Yoshitomo Nara's exhibition. His very first solo exhibition in HK. Oh well since I can't afford his art pieces, these beautiful postcards in different sizes will do. Plastered it on with my butterfly magnets. The other merchandise that I could afford were an Iphone hard cover and his book.

Colleagues commented that these pics were so so so Monkey.
Monkey when she's at work -_-
Monkey when she's focussed -_-
Monkey when she's throwing that slitted eyes stare -_-
Monkey when she's listening to them -_-
Monkey when she's on the phone -_-

I didn't realised I looked like that all the time.....-_-"
geeee thanks guys for watching me so intently all the time. They even added that it's never a good time to approach me.....coz I'm looking -_- all the time. So when is a good time?

Yoshitomo Nara got inspired through his journey of visiting innocent children who were separated and dis-allocated from their families and lives.  From Wars and natural disasters such as tsunami and earthquakes. Hence the looks with innocent big eyes but in actual fact, they were traumatised and in pain, so much more for them to even understand at that age.

*pic taken from the web*

Yoshitomo Nara paints children from around the world, so the difference in hair and eyes colors. The main iconic feature remains.....
*pic taken from the web, painted on wood*

True!!! It will always be hard....but we gotta move on!!!!
If u can get hold of his books, please do get it. Not too sure if you can get them in Malaysia, prollie you can try Kinokuniya? If you happen to be in Japan, it's available in all major bookstores.

JS said this so me....
geeee thanks again...u are the best!!! I will smile more for you then.

Ta-DA!!! my new "installation" of Andy Warhol :))))

Got it changed after our trip to France last month. We attended Andy Warhol's very first exhibition of 102 pieces of Shadows in Europe. Oh well, since I can't afford the pieces....here goes the postcards again. Wahahahaha. Spot one of me. I queued up for 15 mins to have that pic taken in Andy Warhol's pop-up colors.

If I have the time and money, I would wanna work in an art museum :)))) modern art to be precise. When I don't have to worry about paying bills...just focus on curating art pieces for exhibitions...but have to be artists that I have passion in. Hahahah so selective...nobody would wanna hire me. Think I'm already doing a great job being a guide inside art museums around the world, with Mr. JS being my only guest/tourist. Or he's just entertaining me by pretending to understand. LOL

So what would you wanna do if you have time and money?
Guess the bottom line is, all of us want good health....for when there's health...you can enjoy LIFE. yes...life :))))

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