Monday, July 20, 2015

Short weekend in Japan

It was a rather last minute thingy....we changed the destination from Bangkok to Osaka. :D bcoz Mr. JS would prefer the later. We were extremely lucky to secured tickets and hotel reservation but most of all restaurants reservations - all thanks to Mr. Butler from beloved St. Regis Hotel :))))

Of coz Doraemon can't be any happier, it was Raya and time to balik kampung with Chip and Dale tagging along with the rest of the hobbits and Kumamon!!!

The beauty of late night flight, u arrive early in the morning to watch the sunrise....38,000 feet above sea level :))) Be it to Japan or France, this flight time is just perfect. Fly in late night and arrive first thing in the morning for breakfast.

of coz we must have our inflight pre-breakfast of yogurt and freshly cut fruits and aromatics hot coffee.

 and the speciality of Malaysia Airlines - Nasi Lemak....*hiak hiak hiak*

 JS playfully placed the the half eaten bread this way....he said Mr. Bread wanna eat Nasi Lemak too. While I was bz chomping on my hot rice watching movies with headphones on. Trust me, in my very own phone, I do find unflattering pics of me either sleeping or chomping nom nom-ing in very unlady-liked manner. -_-"

Osaka has been great - as alwiz...just a short 4 days trip so I'll be posting soon bout some of the near places and restaurants that we went and also the usual favourites :)

Plus it was summer I can't imagine how cheap clothings could get in Japan.
Monkey: "Fifteen ringgit!!!! for a Uniqlo and GU!!!"
JS -_-" ok buy buy buy all u want

GU is a subsidiary brand of Uniqlo. :D
there's so many more SKUs in Japan with collaborations of different designers, even personalisation of your garments, if u wished. So your very own piece of Uniqlo is totally unique.

One for you, one for me...
one for you...and two for me.

JS: "Hey I saw that.....that's mine!!!"
Monkey tee hee hee heee......

Monkey: "JS!!! I can't pack no more....maybe u wanna hold on and stop buying....or we gonna miss our flight!!"

yeah this was at the airport at our boarding gate. Trying to squeeze in all our purchases into one single pull-along cabin size bag. It was futile. sigh....

 so on the way home, the usual satays...nothing fantastic.

But I really do love food prepared from the Japanese side of kitchen. U get umami laden rice and Sea Perch fish like this!!!

Okie folks, not many pics from this single keeping for separate postings :)))

and our stash this time....hmmmm yum yum yum

Monkey: "This one mine ok? I m giving to who and who."
JS: "I bought this one, so it's mine OK?"

Monkey: "OK, but then this and this and this are mine ok?"
JS: "I got these for my office, so this one here and that one there...are mine OK?"

so within 30 minutes, all our stash were packed into individual bags for friends...Gone. Fair and Square. Hehehehehehe..I think it's becoming a fetish now to do this. So wait up for more postings to come :)))

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