Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Selamat Hari Raya 2015

Amazing Crab Curry by Mr. JS *his first attempt*

After numerous invitation by Peakie D to their beloved home for crab curries, and after so many tasting of this outstanding dish cooked by her mother-in-law, JS somehow has something in his mind.

A week later, he sourced all the ingredients including the "murungai" leaves. It's the leaves from a tree with long pods u call, drum sticks. Native at the foot hills of Himalayas, in Msia Indians community eat them in curries. For this dish, only the leaves were used. It's not easy to buy/get murungai leaves it seems, so Mr. JS got his staff to harvest some from his home and brought to the office. This one is KPI beyond job scope man....bahahahaha.

JS concocted his own Garam Masala with the portion of spices he preferred and took less than an hour to cook this blue swimmer crabs. When I tasted tasted exactly like Peakie D's mom's cooking!!!! *clap clap clap*

So Selamat Hari Raya my dear readers...who said u need to eat only ketupat and rendang for the festival. Being Malaysians u can have anything u want as long as u are happy. Just like how we had CNY open house with ketupat and rendang :)) So here to a blessed Raya celebration with Indian Crab Curry!!! That's the beauty of being Malaysians and I am proud to be one.

Be safe wherever you are :))) and we are heading off to Doraemon's hometown.